Status: 5/23/2010- Working on another update! Time to get back on track with this! For realz! =)

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around

Where the hell is everyone?!

Zacky’s POV

I felt PJ stir after Jimmy yelled. I looked down and saw her eyelids flicker open, revealing those warm chocolate orbs I can get so lost in. She smiled at me, before I returned the smile.

“Hey.” She barely whispered.

“Hey princess.” I smiled down at her.

“Why is Jimmy yelling?”

“He’s just being himself.”

“And wanting me to kick his ass.” She mumbled sitting up next to me, and leaning against the couch. I laughed.

“Somebody got up on the wrong side of the floor.” Jimmy said sitting next to Johnny.

“Because somebody has a big mouth.” PJ retorted.

“Are you implying I have a big mouth?”

“Nope, I’m stating a fact.” A few of us chuckled at this.

“You wanna fight?” Jimmy asked playfully.

“Let’s go.” PJ said getting up and going to walk over to where he was, unfortunately her feet were still tangled in the blanket. When she went to step, she started tripping. Instinctively my hands shot out catching her and pulling her in the opposite direction of the fall, which was towards me. She fell down on my lap landing with an ‘umph’. Jimmy busted out laughing hysterically. She grabbed a pillow andthrew pegged it at his head. “Score!”

“Meanie.” He said to PJ, as he hit a laughing Johnny in the face with the pillow. This started the great almighty pillow fight, waking anyone who was still asleep. Johnny smacked me in the back of the head when I wasn’t paying attention.

“Ha ha.” PJ laughed at me, before Matt hit her. She gasped in mock shock. “Betrayed by my own brother.”

“Get over it.” Her jaw dropped, she charged towards him with her pillow. PJ tackled Matt and started repeatedly hitting him with her pillow, as well as smothering him with it. He pulled the pillow away from his face and threw it across the room. He pulled PJ down next to him and started tickling a very ticklish Patricia. She was immediately in hysterics. She has a cute laugh.

“Matt…st…st stop it! Mattie stop!” She laughed squirming.

“Ok. My hands are getting tired anyways. Zacky! Come take over for me.” Matt called me over while still tickling her until I got over there.

“Me too!” Jimmy said tickling PJ along side of me.

“Zacky stop.” She partially whined, I shook my head ‘no’. “Jimmy stop or no popsicle.” He immediately pulled his hands away. PJ was laughing and giggling so hard she had tears forming in her eyes. She tried her hardest to give me her puppy-dog face, and as distorted as it was, I still crumbled. PJ laid there gasping for air like a fish out of water, except so much cuter. When she finally gained control over herself; she crawled back next to me by the couch.

“You’re a traitor.” She informed me.


“You took Matt’s side. You’re supposed to take my side. I’m right. Matt’s wrong. Matt’s always wrong, always, no matter what. If he says the sky is blue, he’s still wrong.”

“What the fuck? Dude you’re supposed to be tickling her. Traitor.” Matt said as he entered the living room.

“I did it for the popsicle.” Jimmy said coming in from a different direction, with a popsicle in his hand. Matt rolled his eyes knowing that was a typical Jimmy move.

“Great, now I’m a traitor to you and PJ.” I huffed.

“I’ll forgive you if you answer my question correctly. Who is hands down, always, no matter what, absolutely positively right?” PJ grinned.


“Yay! Ding ding ding. You’re forgiven.” She clapped before excitedly before lacing our fingers.

“Yay! One person has forgiven me.”

“Aww I forgive you Zacky. Wanna lick my popsicle?” PJ’s eyes widened as she turned her head to look at Jimmy, her face contorted with horror and disgust.

“Ewww no.” I said.

“Are you sure? You can suck it if you want.” He asked again. Ewwwww!

“Ewww no. I’m good.”

“Ewww gross.” PJ squealed disgusted.

“Oh come on PJ, you know you want it too.” Jimmy smiled as Patricia made a gagging face.

~45 minutes later~

It’s just PJ and I now. Jimmy and Johnny just left to go see Johnny’s brother. Brian and the Berry’s went to go to their homes. Cam had some new art pieces he needed to work on, so he left with Matt and Michelle. So, here we sit on the living room couch, fingers entwined, in silence.

“Want to watch TV?” PJ softly asked.

“Yeah, sure.” I nodded, speaking barely above a whisper.

She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. She settled on one of our favorite shows, Monk. It definitely helped ease away any awkwardness. I was enjoying just sitting with Patricia, our fingers meshed. We were now free from the stares of others. Even though we weren’t talking, it was still nice to just be here with her. I still can’t believe she and I went out. Now all I have to do is get up the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend. I’ll probably ask her to go out again, and if it goes good, I’ll ask her then.

Patricia’s POV

The phone rang during a commercial while Zacky and I were watching TV. I excused myself and answered the phone.


“Hey, baby girl.”

“Hi Mattie, what’s up?”

“Not much, just checking in. Everything ok? Are you alone?”

“No I’m not alone. Everything’s cool, just watching Monk.”

“Alright, have fun. I’ll probably be home in an hour or so. Call me if you need anything.”

“Ok Mattie.”

“I love you, baby girl.”

“I love you too, Mattie.”


“Bye.” I hung up.

I walked back into the living room, and Zacky smiled up at me. I smiled back at him as I took my seat next to him; lacing our fingers together. I had a great time with him last night. I don’t know if it was Michelle constantly pushing the idea as Zacky and I being more than friends or what, but I really like Zacky. Since he asked me out I’ve been tossing around the idea of us as a couple, in my head, and it’s a pretty nice thought.

He’s kind, loving and beyond sweet. He always cares about me, and how I’m feeling. He’d do anything to cheer me up. I always have a good time when I’m around him. He makes me happy.

“You want to watch something?” I asked, offering Zacky the remote after the show ended.

“No thanks. There doesn’t seem to be much else on.” He said before digging out his vibrating cell phone. He flipped it open, and let out a sigh.

“Is everything alright?” I asked concerned.

“Yeah, it’s just my dad wants me to come home now.”

“Oh ok. I’ll walk you to the door.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know, but I want to.” I smiled. He smiled back at me as we slowly walked to the door.

“I had a great time today.”

“Me too. I also had a great time last night, thanks again.”

“You’re more than welcome, it was my pleasure. We should do it again sometime.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.”

"So, I’ll see you Monday.”

“Alright, see you Monday.”

“I’ll call you later.” He smiled.

“Alright. Bye Zacky.”

“Bye PJ.” He kissed my cheek causing me to blush and smile. He stepped outside and walked to his car, before giving me a little wave as he got in. I watched him drive away before shutting the door.

Matt’s POV

“So, do you know what you and PJ are going to do on your special day?” Michelle asked as we slid into a side booth at McDonalds.

“I’m thinking of taking her to the fair for the day.” I said taking a bite of my Big Mac.

“That’ll be cool. I’ll tell her to take pictures of you in the fun houses.”

“Shut up.” I laughed.

“Big bad M. Shadows in a little kid’s funhouse.”

“PJ likes them.”

“I know. I do too, but you? Though…” She paused. “You do love Aqua’s Barbie Girl.”

“Hey!” I threw a fry at her.

“It’s true.”

“Still shhh.”

“Admit it, you like the fun houses too.” She giggled.

“Alright, fine.” I mumbled.

“Awww it’s ok. Plus I know you’d do anything for PJ in a heartbeat. It’s cute how close you are, especially since most siblings don’t get along, and fight.”

“You know what else is cute?”


“You.” I smiled leaning over the table kissing her.

“You’re so cheesy.” She smiled cutely shaking cutely. I grinned in reply.

After we finished eating and throwing our trash out we walked out. I kissed her temple while wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

“I love you.”

“I love you too. So, are we going to be double dating with PJ and Zacky anytime soon?”

“Uhhh I don’t think so.”

“Why not?” She pouted.

“Because it would be awkward for everyone.”

“Not me.”

“That’s because you don’t mind if everyone feels awkward, in fact you find it funny.”

“Yeah, but still, what would be awkward about that situation?” A smirk appearing on her face, as we got into my car.

“They’ve been on one date. There is still probably weirdness between them, transitioning from just friends to whatever they are.”

“Yeah, I noticed, especially at lunch.”

“I think everyone felt that, though it was probably because everyone was there, and knew they went out.”

“So, are you gonna make PJ go on the pill?”

“What?!?!” I say almost losing control of the car. “Michelle, we’re not even going there.” She giggled as I still tried to process her question. I don’t even want to think about PJ and Zacky doing anything like that, for half a millisecond. My baby girl…having sex?!?! I know she wasn’t going to be celibate for life, even if I did sometimes hope, but they just went on their first date!

“Matt, relax. I was just kidding. I highly doubt either of them are that stupid. Plus, you really think Zack would even think about having sex with your little sister? He looked terrified today thinking you were going to kill him for taking her out. They are not going to be having sex anytime soon.”

“Alright. I guess you’re right.” I sighed deeply as I drove down the road towards central park. We walked around for a little bit before going to our spot. When we got there I sat down and put Michelle in my lap, running my fingers through her hair as we watched the sun set over the lake.

Two hours later, I unlocked the front door, and walked in, relocking it behind me.

“Baby girl?” I called when I realized she wasn’t in the living room or kitchen. “PJ… Anyone?” Where the hell is everyone?!

I headed towards PJ’s room, knocking on the door. I slowly opened it after not getting an answer. I didn’t see her so I walked in and looked on the other side of the bed. As I was about to walk out something on the bathroom floor caught my attention. I walked towards the partially open door and saw PJ on the floor passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
*looks ashamed* I am so so sooooo sorry it took so long to get this update out.
I was lost and unsure there for a while as to whether or not I would continue writing, but I am determined to continue this story. I have recently started feeling motivated again to work on this so hopefully I can get out more updates sooner. *fingers crossed*
Also, I promise to put another update out, hopefully not too far in the future so I don't leave you hanging there. =)
A HUGE thank you to all my subscribers and everyone who stills reads this. It means so so so much to me. And another huge thank you to everyone who comments on it.
I love you all! And hope you really enjoyed the update.
I would love some feedback, if you want to give it.
Again thanks to everyone who reads/subscribes/comments! <3
I hope you all are doing great and liked the update!
Peace & Love!