Please Remember I Love You


Remember when we were young?
And the games we used to play
And things we used to build
And our imaginations would run wild!

Remember when we grew up?
We both started high school
And you were always there for me
I thought I was there for you…

Remember I told you everything!
I trusted you with my deepest secrets
Things I wouldn’t even tell my friends
Why didn’t you trust me too?

Remember that night we had a fight?
Mum said it was my fault and made me cry
And even though you were the one angry with me,
You told her not to yell at me

Remember when I saw you cry?
It scared me so much
You were always the strong one
And I found out that you can break too

Remember that night? You know the one…
You spent every second by my side
You told me that you loved me
And instead of “goodnight”, you told me “goodbye”

Remember when I found your body?
You had one breath left in you
You used it on me
“I love you”

Remember the nights I spent crying?
Of course you don’t, you were in a better place