In Their Eyes

Chapter 17

"You'd help me even after all of the horrible things I said?"

Aisling pulled me into a hug. "Of course I would; you're my sister."

I smiled softly. "How are Ella and Donovan?" Aisling looked at me with a bit of shock on her face. "Aisling, I was numb not stupid. I think he deserves her, a better person than I will ever be. Though if she has here knight in shining armor, where's mine to save me?" I yawned loudly, "I'm going to bed, we'll talk in the morning." I turned and left, leaving my sister to maul over those haunting words.


The sun was shining down on my skin, warming my pale skin. My father walked up beside me, kissing my forehead before pulling my veil down over my face. "I'm proud of you baby girl. Your mistakes our behind you, at least your putting little William first."

I smiled lightly, "his father will be glad I'm doing this. For William." Violins started to play 'here comes the bride' and my father and I started walking. The faces of Todd's family and mine came into view. I looked at the alter to see Aisling, waiting there as my bride of honor, Todd, and Jacob, as the best man, who was also holding the ring barer who had to be around 5 months old.

The walk was slow and agonizing as the white silk material of my dress brushed my feet with every step. I made it to the front where my father kissed my cheek and I walked up to Todd. He smiled a bright smile. "I can see why William is so beautiful when I look at his mother." The preacher droned on with the normal wedding stuff, and then it came time to say our vows.

Todd took my hands in his and a small blush came over my face. "Ginger, I know people will think we're fools for getting married straight out of high school, but I love you. I'm not marrying you just because of our kid, I'm marrying you because I'd go crazy without you. Even when I didn't love myself you were always there to show me how much I could-you are the light that guides me in through the dark. I'm sorry for all the mistakes I have made-I would erase them if could-but, at least I made the right decision when it came to loving you."

Tears were falling down my face. "Todd, I thought having a child would ruin my life, but I know both the men in my life will never let me down. I love you both."


I woke up with a smile on my face for the first time in months, and for the first time I touched my baby. "Are you trying to tell me everything's going to be all right?" I asked while rubbing my stomach.

I walked to Aisling's room. "Hey. I'm going to talk to Donovan, can you cover for me if mom asks?"

She looked at me. "Um, sure. Why are going?"

"Well, he deserves to know why I've been a jerk lately and I need to tell him everything."

She gapped at me. "Everything? Are you sure?"

I shrugged, "it's better than doing nothing."


I knocked on the door to Donavon's house with sweaty hands and my heart pounding through my chest. When he opened up the door my heart skipped a beat, then almost broke at the look he gave me.

"What do you want, Ginger?" He looked slightly annoyed and a frown was etched on his face.

"I-I need to tell you some things." I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "What I did was inexcusable, and you don't have to accept my apology, but you have the right to know why I did it." That's how I winded up a blubbering mess on Donavon's porch, the poor guy. He looked pissed when I told him what Todd did, but concern was the first thing that was there when I told him about being pregnant.

"What are you going to do about the baby, Gin?"

I shrugged as a sad smile tugged at my lips. "I don't know, Donavon, I just don't know."
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I got writers block, and when I finished this chapter my internet got cut off. Well, tell us what you think. I'm off to finish my story for a contest.