Status: I will try and updated everyday

The Willow Tree

Chapter 1

"Tyler!" called Zeke.
I turned to see him moving towards me at a faster pace than usual.
"Man the guys wanted to know would you like to have a dare contest."
"Totally man" If your a guy like me then you'll never turn down a dare contest.
Plus one of the guys has been flirting with all the cheerleaders and told the top girl I liked her. Okay I may be sounding like a little kid right now but I did like her and when he told her that she replied that it was gross I liked her. It kinda hurt. But now I get the chance to pay him back.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Later that day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"You get to go first Rick" Kevin sneered " who ya gonna dare?"
Rick glanced around Jay's bedroom at the four of us.
A devious smile appeared on his face as he turned towards Zeke.
"Zeke, I dare you to go into to Rick's mom's room and steal a pair of her underpants, then wear walk around the block wearing them "
"Ok sounds simple enough." Zeke said with a grin. Next it was Zeke's turn. He chose Jay and dared him to come to school dressed like a girl. Jay then turned to me and said "Tyler I dare you to hang out with Max Seville for a week."
That bastard is dead!
"Ok Tyler its your turn." said Jay with a smirk plastered on his face. I turned to Kevin the one who cost me with the cheerleader.
"Kevin I dare you to flirt with our English teacher Ms Greyson and at the end of class ask her out on a date for Saturday."
He looked at me with pure astonishment.
"Y-you m-mean the 58 year old Ms Greyson?" he stuttered.
"The very same." I replied.
After I dared him, he went on to dare Rick to go up to the ugliest girl in school and sing Baby to her.
I was in for a long week. Good thing its Friday so I at least have a couple days to myself.
Zeke is so lucky, he has to do his dare now because it doesn't involve school.
Zeke stood up and walk off in the direction of Rick's mother's room. He came back a few minutes later holding a lacy red pair of panties. Everybody turned to look at Rick seeing as it was his mother's underwear. He looked down in embarrassment.
Zeke again ran off again, when he came back he was wearing her panties.
All he had to do now was walk around the block like that. He did, and lots of people saw and I gotta say it was hilarious.