Status: I will try and updated everyday

The Willow Tree

Chapter 7

I awoke to the familiar sound of my alarm clock, dragged myself out of bed and went on with my usual morning routine.
I was dressed in some band t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. My hair hung in my face and my backpack was heavy.
I made my way to Max’s house, the least I could do after all this time.
I drove to her place, okay I have a car but I sometimes prefer to walk.
I knocked on her door which swung open to reveal a sleepy Max. She smiled when she saw the car and wandered over to it, opening the passenger door and flopping down into the seat.
I smiled at her and got back in the car.
“To school, yay!” she mumbled.
“It’s okay, school is going to be over before you know it” I said as I pulled out of the driveway and onto the road.
We sat in silence the whole drive but when we arrived she said thanks and wandered off.
I walked in behind her and said goodbye before heading off to see my friends.
“Yo” Jay said coming up to me being trailed by the Zeke.
Is it true you drove Max to school?” Zeke said with a smirk.
“Who told you?” I replied.
“Kevin” was his response.
“Speaking of Kevin, where is he anyway?” I asked having seen his car but never seeing him.
“Gone to find your girlfriend” Zeke sneered.
I woulda given him another black eye if not for the fact we were standing across from the principal’s office.
I had the urge to walk away but as I was about to I heard a soft laugh come from behind me. I turned to see Kevin walking down the hall with Max and she was laughing. Apparently whatever was coming out of that asshole’s mouth caused her to laugh. Something in which I hadn’t been able to do and hadn’t heard in a long time.
“Hey” Kevin said approaching us “I was just telling Max that she should hang with us”
Not only did he fuck up my chances with the top cheerleader but he was now causing problems for both Max and I.
Her smile faded when he said that.
“Um…” Zeke said, then turned to me and Jay.
I nodded and Jay did the same but with much hesitation.
“It’s settled then, Max is sitting with us this lunch” Kevin said triumphantly. Max stood there awkwardly before walking off towards class. The bell rang a few moments after causing us to disperse and head off in different directions.
I heard footsteps hurrying up behind me and found Rick hurrying to class.
I waved at him and walked into the Biology room.
This day couldn’t get any better.