Status: I will try and updated everyday

The Willow Tree

Chapter 8

Math dragged on forever today it seemed, I think I ‘m going to kill myself.
First I wake up late then I skip breakfast. Next Tyler arrives to save the day and the next thing I know I’m out of the fire and into the frying pan since Kevin decided to ask me if I wanted to sit with them at lunch. That of course puts his friends on the spot so they agree. Wonderful. Then I managed to escape and get to class to find out that we have an assignment due tomorrow and I haven’t been at school for weeks. To top it all off I have to do it and turn it in tomorrow and after this I have lunch with the jocks. This day just keeps getting better and better.
I let out a relieved sigh and pack up and go to lunch. When I get to the cafeteria I find five guys waiting for me. Kevin is the only one smiling which worries me. Kevin and I never really became friends but we never stopped being “friends” I guess. We sometimes talk and have friendly chats but deep down I think he hates me. I don’t hate Kevin, granted he’s kinda dumb and a complete man whore and he helps bully me, but he does it the least. Tyler’s the ring leader, Kevin’s just a stupid follower.
I shuffle my way over to the group and smile weakly. Tyler flashes a slight smile back as if that might comfort me. Not slightly. I just sucked it up and acted polite.
“Thanks for waiting” I said. I internally face palmed myself for it but what else was I meant to say.
“No problem” Kevin was quick to reply.
He flashed a look at the other guys and they smiled.
Tyler just nodded and signalled for us to move along.
When we finally got our lunches we then made our way to their table. It was so embarrassing. I mean I got a lot of stairs and so many people were whispering stuff probably about why I was there and when did I become cool yada yada yada. You get the point.
When we got there Kevin pulled out a seat for me and said for me to sit near him. I looked up to see Tyler with a strange look on his face, one I had never seen before. I ignored it and turned back to Kevin and thanked him before taking my seat.
Kevin flopped down beside me and grinned.
Um, I honestly don’t know what his deal is but I know that Tyler was still wearing that same expression.
I can ask him about it later. We began eating in a awkward silence but Rick quickly broke the ice.
“So um did any of you guys catch the game last night?” he asked.
All the guys said yeah and then talked about how we did so well and they were proud of our state.
I sat awkwardly at the table when suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders.
I looked up to see Kevin with his arm around me grinning and talking to the guys.
In response I lifted his arm from my shoulder and dropped it against his side. He frowned at me but quickly went listening about last nights football game.
I noticed during the story Tyler was watching me his face was unreadable as if he was deep in thought but again turned back to the main conversation which hand turned into some discussion about hockey and baseball.
I soon became bored with their boyish chatter and excused myself and headed towards the restroom.
I entered and stood in front of the sink feeling slightly off and staring into the mirror.
I heard the door open and footsteps come in.
“Oh my god it was the worst party ever, I mean what person throws a party in a one story house and also has no good drinks!” exclaimed an ear grating voice.
Chatter followed after and I managed to pick out Molly, Jen, Carly and Mary.
I turned to leave but an arm caught me.
“Um, where do you think you’re going?” questioned the horribly nasally voice. I could hear the grin in her smile.
“Fuck off Stacy” said and tried to push past her but she now gripped my arm tightly. Her nails bit into my skin out of her anger.
“You don’t talk to her that way freak!” squealed Mary.
“Shut up bitch” I growled.
Stacy yanked on my arm to remind me she was there.
“What are you doing hanging out at the jocks table?” she hissed.
“That’s none of your business” I said with a sugary sweet voice.
She shoved me back and said something to her friends and then walked out flipping her hair like she was all that.
Sadly she was.
Top cheerleader, tall, long blonde hair, green eyes and decent breast size.
Every guy in the school dreamed of being with her.
I hate it. I hate that everyone seems to love her and all her stupid little friends.
I fixed myself and went back to the cafeteria where I found the guys all talking and laughing.
No one noticed when I got back so I turned and headed for the gym and sat under the bleachers.
The bell went and we were off to class again.
The day lagged on, went it was time to go home I wandered into the parking lot and waited by Tyler’s car.
He arrived and drove me home. The car ride was silent and uneasy.
When he dropped me off I just mumbled a thank you and went inside.