Status: I will try and updated everyday

The Willow Tree

Chapter 9

My mom came home late today, again.
Today was like every other except that mom seemed more cheerful.
“Hi Maxi” she said in a high tone with a smile plastered to her face.
“Hi, Jean” I mumbled and grabbed a energy bar off the island in the kitchen.
“What happened Max?”
Wow, she almost sounded like she cared that time.
“Nothing” I said before walking back to my room.
As soon as I closed the door a knock came at the window.
Groaning I pulled back the ugly white lace curtains and found Tyler looking back at me.
I of course opened the window and asked what he was doing here like every romantic movie cliché.
“Max wanna go to the movies?” he asked.
“Um yeah sure” I said after carefully weighing my choices between stay here with a heartless bitch or go to the movies with my bully. Ok and I may sound rude for calling my mom a bitch but she doesn’t really care about me anymore unless she has an actually good day. Sometimes not even then.
When I said yes to him he seemed genuinely pleased.
“Move back” I commanded and then went out the window.
“Come on” he said hurrying over to his car.
I just groaned and followed over to his car and got in.
It took us about 20 minutes to get to the theatre so lets just say the car ride was awkward.
When we got there we couldn’t decide what to see so we chose a random movie which ended up being You’re Next which was some scary movie about people being killed by others wearing animal masks.
It was pretty good I guess but it never really scared me unlike a girl a few rows in front of us who couldn’t seem to calm down.
When we finally left it was about 9:30 and my mom would surely be worried(sarcasm) so I decided to give her a bigger scare by asking if we could stop by my house for a couple things.
Tyler seemed fairly weirded out but finally said ok and waited while I snuck in and grabbed some close and toiletries and a toothbrush.
“Hey um do you mind if I crash at your place tonight?” I asked once I got to the car.
He looked really unsure but finally gave in and said I could.
“Thank you” was all I could manage as we pulled out of the drive and went to his place, which for the record I have never seen.
My first impression of it when we arrived was people actually live in apartments here. You see where we lived everyone lived in a house so it came as sort of a surprise to me that he lived in one.
They were a set up of 4 two story buildings lined up. They were fairly large with a set of stairs going to the second floor. The buildings were white with light blue railing. The windows were fairly average but some had the occasional strange craftsmen ship.
Tyler lived on the second floor of the end building which was furthest from the street making it quieter than the front ones.
When we got inside there was no one else there which confused me.
“Where are your parents?” I asked
“Not here” he growled and showed me where to put my things.
“Thanks again Tyler and I actually do like the place”
“Thank you and again you’re welcome”
We spent an hour on some school assessments and then watched Donnie Darko which is a weird movie to say the least.
By the time we had moved on to Stephen King’s It, it was 11:30.
Max by this point was falling asleep so I woke her up completely and told her to get ready while I went to find some extra sheets.
The good thing was with my dad still having to pay for me till I could earn enough to live off of I could go and get more things like sheets which I luckily had an extra set of.
When I came back into my room Max was wandering around in her pjs.
God she looked good to say the least. Her hair was up and her pale shoulders looked good with the red and she had perfect long little white legs.
It may not work for everyone but hell it worked for her.
She looked gorgeous.
“Night Max” I said which scared the crap out of her.
“Goodnight Tyler” she chirped before coming over and wrapping her slender little arms around me.
When we pulled away I just kind of smiled and walked to the living room and lay down on the couch allowing sleep to envelope me.

I woke up to the sounds of crying and screaming.
I hurried into my room where she slept and there she was shaking in her sleep and crying.
I rushed over to her side, as soon as I touched her shoulder she yelped and jolted upright.
“Tyler?” she whispered
“I’m sorry”
“For what?”
“For waking you”
“What happened?” I asked
“Um I had a bad dream”
“Wanna talk about it?” I said but she just shook her head in response
I felt bad so I pulled her into a tight embrace
She let me but I guess she became annoyed finally cuz she did eventually push me away. I stood to leave but turned to her said “I’m gonna go back to bed do you need anything?”
“Um yeah” she said grabbing my arm and pulled me back onto the bed and kissed me.
Her lips were so soft against me.
I was surprised but I’m guessing she was even more surprised by her actions by the shocked look on her face.
She looked down at her hands that wouldn’t stop fiddling.
“Um Tyler?”
“Can you stay with me?” she said before glancing to the empty spot beside her.
“Sure, why not?” I said before climbing in and fell asleep with her snuggled up against me.

Max’s pjs: