Take my hand baby, and never leave.



He sat up straight in bed and shivered. Something was wrng. He could feel it in his blood... But what "it" was, he wasn't sure. Slowly he got out of bed, and put on a pair of jeans, and a pink letterkills shirt.
His brain hurt. All he could remember from last night was white... White walls, white lights, white powder.
He walked up the stairs, out of his basement bedroom, and immediatly saw what was wrong.

His screams rang through out the house as he heard the sirens. He felt his heart ripping apart, and tears slide down his face. Then he fainted... He couldn't stand the sight of blood.


school is shit
I walked down the hallway, and I could feel kids staring.
What did I ever do to you?
The bell rang, and everyone scampered off to their next class... which in my case, was science. Not my best subject, but definetly not my worst... Math took the cake for my worst subject.
I took a seat in my usual spot by the window, and proceeded to day dream.
Everyone thinks I look like a vampire
I knew exactly why though. HA! I have long, greasy black hair, plae skin, and i wear too much make-up(yes, I'm a guy). I'm chubby - I think so anyways - and much too tall. I stand at around 5"10.. too tall for a grade 9. What can I say though? I enjoy my looks.