Take my hand baby, and never leave.

Vampires will never hurt you


As I grew up, I became more and more of a "misfit". I couldn't do much to stop it from happening either. I listened to the wrong type of music, dressed the wrong way, hung out with the wrong people... and was typically just plain old weird.
Enough of the past, onto the future right? Wrong.
I was just too "disturbed" for the other kids... Expecially after the night that my dad was shot in our kitchen... The night I found my dad lying in a pool of blood. Even thinking about it made me want to vomit the contents of my stomach... not that I had eaten much.
Now? Now, me and mom were moving away from here. I would be going to a new school, living in a new house, and making new memories.


"MR. WAY!"
My head snaps up, and I eye Mr. Bernard, our science teacher suspiciously.
"Good to see you aren't sleeping in class again Mr. Way. Now, would someone please explain to Gerard here what matter is, and how it relates to chemistry?"
Jeeze you dumbass... I learned this shit in Grade 7!
There was a know on the door, and the vice-principal came strolling in as if he weren't interupting anything.
"I'd like to intruduce to you, a new classmate. Mr. Frank Iero, would you please come into the room and say something about yourself?"
"I-I'm Frankie a-and I-I'm not twelve!"
The class burst into laughter.
I caught his eye, and took a good look at him. Blonde shaggy hair, charcoal rimmed eyes, and really skinny... I mean... he couldn't be more than 100 lbs. Damn
I smiled at him, and he walked down the row of desks to where I was sitting.
"Hey su-. Hey. Mind if I sit here?"
"Go ahead."
I smile at him as he dropped his bag and sat down at the desk. Damn... He really is thin. He had a lip ring that he chewed nervously as he smiled back.
I took a scrap peice of paper and wrote him a note;

Hey, I'm Gerard. Nice hair. Meet me in the parking lot at lunch, and we can hang, if you have nothing better to do (=
Yeah sure... I'll be there.


Vampires will never hurt you.
I took my seat next to the cutest kid I've seen in a while.. I almost called him sugar... a great way to get myself beaten up before second period even started. I mean what if he wasn't even gay? But damn. There was something different about him, you know? He handed me a note that asked if I wanted to hang at lunch... His name's Gerard. Cute Maybe living here wasn't going to be so bad.
For the rest of the lesson I jotted don poetry.
Yes, I write poetry. got a problem with it, go fuck yourself.

Fading away.
Fake depression.
The sadness in his eyes.
Does he really deserve the pain?
You murdered his soul.
Your one decison broke his heart.
Now he's fading away,
His fake depression.
The sadness in his eyes.
It was better when he could just break down and cry.