Take my hand baby, and never leave.

Lockers and distress - "Is he alive?"

I went through all my classes today without seeing Frank again. He ditched me at lunch. Where was that kid hiding?
As the 2:30 bell rang, and I dumped my books into my locker and headed home for the day, I heard banging coming from inside the locker next to mine. I was glad that at the begining of the year I memorized the kids combo... Just incase, you know? I opened the door and poor Frank came tumbling out of the small, closterphobic space.
Dammit. Who the fuck did this?
"Here man. Take my hand. What in the world happened to you?"
He got up, and gave me a hug. I could feel his small body trembling.
"Shh. You're out of there now. Just tell me what happened sugar."
"I r-really don't kn-know. I was just shoved in there by some kid wearing a letterman jacket. I d-don't... don't let g-go okay? I-I'm terrified o-of the dark."
What am I suppposed to do?
I just held him closer.

--Frank --Flashback
"Is he alive?"
The EMS worker gave me a sad look, and hurried off to get a stretcher.
"Daddy," I whispered, "I'll find the god damned prick who did this to you, and when I do, I'll fucking hang him by his balls."

"Yeah Gee?"
"Wanna go find some grass and get stoned?"
I smirked.
"I like how you think."