Status: Done :)

Goldilocks and the Two bands

Tour Bus

I crawled into this empty tour bus, so very tired after my friends left me wandering around to find my way home. I was pissed and knew there was no way I could get home while it’s dark like this, so I admitted defeat and came in here. It smelled like boy, and the floor was currently a mess; covered in taco bell boxes and anthem made tees. I shrugged and fell out on the couch.
I woke up to the sound of hush voices over my head. I open my eyes to find a huddle of boys hovering above me. I scream, then I realize who those boys are and scream some more.

“Who are you?” Gabe says while backing away from me.

“I am Goldie.” I smile.

“How the heck did you get in here?” Mike raises his eyebrows at me.

“My friends ditched after we saw your concert, I found this bus and decided I could use I nap. The door was wide open, and it was empty. Now that I think about it that was a pretty dumb idea.”

“I’ll say,” Jack mumbled, “you should really be more careful little girl.”

I sneered at Jack, I knew what he said was true but I hate being called little girl. It made me so angry, like I wasn't going to be taken seriously. I rose up and started to push past the guys. I was being irrational blowing the only chance I may have to hang with these bands, whom I adore. I felt a hand pull me back.

“One, you can’t leave because we are already headed to the next city. Two, I am sorry if Jamie offended you in any way.” Vic said. “Why so touchy anyway?”

“I hate being called little girl!” I looked at Jack, “I am sorry for the dramatics, I am pretty chill. The little girl thing just ticks me off.” Then what Vic said dawned on me, “holy cow! How am I supposed to get home now?”

The guys all looked at each other and shrugged such an unhelpful gesture.

“Well you could just chill with us.” Kellin suggested. “We will get you home when we have our day off in a week.”

“A week, as in seven days?!? My parents are going to flip!” I shook my head, causing my dreads to shake.

“Don’t worry we can explain.” Jamie extended his hand for a phone. The problem was I lost my phone.

“Oh man! I lost my phone! I knew I shouldn't have taken it out of my pocket! I shouldn't have crowd surfed!”

“Hey! Now I remember you!” Jesse exclaimed. “You grabbed my hair while security pulled you off the stage. “ He started to laugh.

“Yes, that’s me!” I giggled.

“You almost killed me.” Jesse laughs.

“That’s so cool!” Tony laughed.

“Why didn’t you try to rip off my hair?” Justin pouted.

“I can try now.”

“It’s not the same.”

I laughed and decided that being with them for a whole week will be so cool. I would be able to get to know them as people. They will be more than just faces on the wall.

“By the end of the week you guys should totally write song about me!”

“And call it what?” Vic asked.

“Goldilocks and the two band.”
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Its not that great but oh well