Status: Active

Heroine? Or Villain? That Is the Question.


Shadow smirked. "It means prisoner."

Prisoner. The word rang through Carcer's head as Barsad led him back to his room, or rather, his cell. He truly was a prisoner. And not only a prisoner, but a prisoner of the one he had been hoping to find for the past twelve years. How fucked up was that?

Barsad looked at Carcer. "It bothers you, your name changing, does it not?"

Carcer looked at Barsad, "Well...yeah. Wouldn't it bother you?"

"I have been known by many names in my life," Barsad answered. "Adding another name to the list would not bother me in the least. Especially," here he smirked, "because a name represents an undercover job done properly." At Carcer's confused looked he simply said, "Aliases are used for every undercover job and no two aliases are the same for one person."

"How did you come by the name Barsad then?" Carcer asked.

"It was the name I was born with," Barsad answered. "What else would it be?"

"Well, Shadow has changed her name, she changed mine without asking, and I'm assuming Bane was not named that when he was born." Carcer said. "I just assumed that names were changed all the time."

"Shadow and Bane are the exceptions," Barsad answered. "They have changed their names to reflect who they are and if they see fit, they change the names of others."

"Barsad," Carcer began, "Why am I here?"

Barsad looked at Carcer sadly, "You simply asked the wrong person about the name Myna. Shadow told us that if anyone came to us and asked us about a girl with that name, we were to bring them to her."

"I was a liability," Carcer realized. "As long as I had forgotten her, then it was all right. But since I hadn't, she couldn't have me looking for her considering what she has become."

"Precisely. Trust in me, Carcer, don't force it," Barsad told him earnestly. "Forget that name, forget that life. It is done. You can do nothing about it now." He opened the door to Carcer's cell. "I'll bring dinner in a bit." He left him alone to think about what he had said.

When Barsad returned with Carcer's dinner he told him, "Your training starts tomorrow." At Carcer's skeptical look he said, "Carcer, it is training, or death."
♠ ♠ ♠
So I realized that in attempting to do the whole stilted speech thing, I end up sounding more like Thor than Bane. Personally, I still think it works though.

Jungle Book quote in this one. It was slightly more forced. I might be running out of quotes. Then again, that might not be a bad thing.

I am so happy right now because I have my first subscriber XD I cannot say what that means to me because I've always thought I sucked big time at writing.

Anyway, night all :) Enjoy