If You Only Knew



Rewind. Eight years ago. I was a poser. A scene-kid-wannabe. Blonde and red hair that was on the verge of eating my face. Skinny jeans, Chuck Taylors (obviously fake), and a t-shirt that read something like 'I play my music loud'. I even added a studded belt, backwards, to complete this ensemble. No I wasn't emo. I was scene. There's a difference. However, in my case, both seemed to have 'fake' stamped across my forhead. I was too happy and bubbly to legitimately be considered a part of either group.

Walking into a Wendy's restaurant, I greeted my best friend with a hug. I'm sure she said something about her day but I don't remember what. I was too focused on the package sitting next to her in the booth. I knew it was for me. After all, it was my birthday. Our families greeted each other. We ignored them completely. Went off into our own little world talking about what cute boys we saw that day. After the initial 'happy birthday's, and ordering food, she grabbed my wrist and told me she had something to show me. By the tone in her voice, I knew it was going to be good. "So I found this new band and I know you're going to love them." Excitement pulsed through my veins as she pulled out a small printed picture of a boy turned upside down.

I twisted my head to see him clearly. My heart raced up into my throat immediately. We shouted dibs at the same time causing everyone in the Wendy's dining room to turn and look at us. The expression on their faces revealed their thoughts. 'What drug could they possibly be on and where can I get some'. Or something like that.
I snatched the picture out of her hands, slightly bending his face. I said something about not being a big fan of the 'guyliner' look but this kid made it work. She laughed at how ridiculous I sounded and told me the name of his band. I wrote it on my napkin and tossed it in my purse telling myself that I had to check out their music later when I got home.
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Wow, its been a while since I've been on here.
Chapter one is still in the writing process. I'll post it when I'm done.
enjoy <3