Status: Slow Updates Sometimes:)


Chapter 2

Aranel clenched and unclenched her hands as she made her way out to the grassy clearing outside of the House of Elrond. She felt uneasy as she made greetings with people she hardly knew but they knew her since she was a small child; she felt awful for not remembering them but she had always been terrible at remembering faces. Aranel tried to delay her return to Rivendell as much as she could by staying in every town that she entered for the night but her horse protested making her journey end quicker than she wanted.

She had saw Aragorn arrive with three Hobbits the night before and each of them rushed to the injured Hobbit in one of the guest bedrooms. He hadn’t even noticed her when he walked right past her and at the breakfast table he seemed to be unaware of her presence, she was thankful in a way.

Aranel bowed her head as she stood in front of Ethorn, a trainer “Is there a reason for the short notice training lesson?” he asked as he stood with both their swords in his hands, his long black was pulled back in a low pony tail exposing his Elf ears. Aranel wasn’t sure if she should be glad or not for inheriting her father’s ears instead of her mother’s Elf ears, the rest of her features were of her mother. Aranel nodded her head but did not answer him.

Ethorn sighed and concern etched his flawless pale face. “You never were a people person Galedlothia,” she took her sword from his hand softly, Ethorn tried to reason with her but it was no use.

“Ethorn, I just need to let out some of my anger in a safe and positive way.” She held a firm gaze upon him but he looked at her with the same expression before the tips of his lips turn up “And me losing an arm or even my head is safe and positive?” he chuckled but nodded all the same.

“Well let’s make this a bit harder for you and easier for me.” He smiled at her before removing the ribbon that was tied around her waist and turned her around before tying the ribbon in front of her eyes as a blind-fold. “I hate you.” She murmured with a small smile on her face.

Ethorn was like an elder brother to her; he had grown up on the grounds of House of Elrond, he father was a trainer like him and taught them as small children: Ethorn, Aranel, Arwen and Aragorn. They would tease each other endlessly and would look out for each other like Menegilda and her brother Liamos would.

“Go.” Ethorn commanded causing Aranel to take a step forward, holding her sword close to her chest.


It had been little under three hours since they began training and they were still going. Aranel stood straight listening quietly for Ethorn’s footsteps.
“I am to get no greeting from Aranel Galedlothia, who has finally returned to Rivendell?”

She quickly spun round and lifted her blind-fold so that it rested on her forehead. Her eyes landed on Aragorn who stood a few steps away, he smile at her in a friendly manner and held his hands up as if to say he was not her enemy, his stare rested on her sword.

Aranel bowed her head at him; but as quick as a flash, she pulled her blind-ford back over her eyes and spun round quickly lifting her sword to slash against Ethorn’s. She pushed her sword against his with all her strength until his sword flung out of his grip and onto the ground. She yet again pushed her blind-fold onto her forehead and looked at Ethorn who looked at her proudly. Aranel tried to control her heavy breathing “Being away from Rivendell has done you well in combat.” He praised her as she leaned other and pressed her hands against her knees, they had not stopped for a break through the whole training session.

“She’s definitely better in hand-to-hand combat since she has been fighting in the fighting rings of most villages.” Aragorn commented and Aranel looked up to glare at him. It was thought lowly to fight for money

“One needs money to get by in the world she was so greatly hidden from.” She almost snapped at him, she realized that the training session had not got rid of her stress and anger. She turned to Ethorn “Again.”

He nodded but had a devious smile on his face “Only if Aragorn will join, it is too easy for you to be against one but how about two?” Aranel narrowed her eyes at him but let out a sigh knowing he would not back down “Fine but only if Aragorn wishes to.”

Aragorn only nodded and soon enough they had begun the session and Aranel was blind-folded again. As she fought, images kept appearing in her head; it only affected her slightly but the images haunted her.

She ducked so that her face was towards the sky and her back facing the ground; she lifted her sword above her head so that it bloke the strikes from both Aragorn and Ethorn, they both pressed down on her sword but she pushed up with all her force. The images appeared in her head again but it was like she was watching the situations happen in another body; she saw the injured Hobbit stand up from his chair and cry “I will take it!” the image shifted to a fight scene and so many bodies dropped to the ground, she could hear someone calling her name before it change again and Aranel saw someone being shot by arrows in the chest but she did not see his face. She felt her blind-fold grow damp with her tears before her body gave out underneath her, her mind fell into total blackness as her body crumbled to the ground.


Aragorn sat in the chair next to her bed, she had not awoken and seemed to be in a sort of trance; her body flinched in fear as her Sight took over her mind. He watched her, silently angry at himself for not being able to help her. Aragorn remembers the first time he saw Aranel Galedlothia, they were mere children at the time, he had saw her running through the hallways before she was almost in front of him and two of Elrond’s servants grabbed hold of her. They pulled her relentless body back to the room where she came from, she had cried out to him but he did nothing and had regretted it ever since. Aranel had been locked up in her room since she was born but when she was at an age to learn to fight she was let out but only to return to the room again.

Aragorn brushed a strand of lavender coloured hair out of her face; his fingers stroked her cheek lightly. He had grown up watching her as he had with Arwen, he couldn’t seem to read Aranel she was different and quiet around him like everyone else but her friends. They had travelled together as Rangers but after an eventful night she ran and Aragorn hadn’t seen her until the fighting ring.
All of a sudden Aranel cried out in pain and sorrow, her pale body bent in unnatural ways as she kept screaming in pain. Aragorn stood and placed his hand on her shoulders trying to calm her, he shook her shoulders in attempt to wake her.

Elrond and other Elves came into the room and ushered Aragorn out against his will. Gandalf stood outside and nodded at Aragorn in hello, he could see the distraught and worry in his face. Gandalf leaned on his staff before murmuring “Her mind has no knowing of death.”