Your Love Is Worth Fighting For

Ch. 6 First Date

" how does this look ?" angelina asked her mom as she turned around her to show off the purple dress she had finally decided to wear for her date with aiden that night

"you look beautiful honey " her mother answered as she wiped away a tear that had started running down her cheek

"mom why are you crying?" angelina asked her mom as she went to wrap her arms around her

" it just makes me so happy so see you go out on a date after everything that happened "

angelina felt her heart thump a little faster, she hadn't even though about that "calm down " she told her self silently

"come on mom let's not think about this now " she said hoping she sounded calm

"your right , now show me the shoes that you are planning to wear " her mother wiped the tears away

""i was planning to wear these cute little flats " she said as she went to her closet and took out a pair of black flats with a small black bow. she put them on and showed her mom how they looked with the dress

" honey you look absolutely beautiful " her mother beamed, before they heard a knock at the door

"that must be him mom , can you go answer the door while i finish getting ready, tell him i wont take much longer" she said before quickly turning to her closet and grabbing a black cardigan.

once she quickly checked how it looked she grabbed her phone and her purse and she raised downstairs were she heard aiden and her mom talking

aiden turned to look at her, he smiled brightly as she walked towards her " you look stunning angelina " he said before reaching over and giving her a small hug

angelina smiled "you dont look bad yourself aiden " she said as she looked him up and down.

her breath hitched a little as she took in what he was wearing. black combat boots, with blue jeans and a deep blue button up shirt and topping it all off a hairstyle she had come to know as his messy but neat style.

She blushed a little as she reached his face and noticed that he had noticed her checking him out.

he turned to her mother "ill have her back home at 11 sharp ma'am " he said before ushering her out.

"have fun honey " her mother said as she walked them to the door

"i will love you mom" angelina said as she walked with aiden to his car

Aiden opened the door for her and helped her in " such a gentleman " angelina said with a smile as he got into the drivers side

" well my mother thought me how to treat a lady " he said before turning on the car and driving off

angelina couldn't help but blush at the statement , after a couple of seconds of driving in silence she asked " so were are we going?"

aiden turned to her with a smile "it's a surprise " he answered before turning back to the road.

Angelina looked out the window, she couldn't help but be a little mesmerized by all the colors, after a while the lights started disappearing and all there was, was darkness

Angelina turned to him with a frown " were are we going?" she asked once again

Aiden couldn't help but chuckle "i guess i'll have to tell you so you don't freak out on me"

angelina frowned at his chuckling but didn't say anything

"i have a romantic pick-nick dinner set up for us at the beach " aiden answered as he continued to drive

as if on cue aiden lowered the window on her side and she could hear the waves "when you asked me out on a date i though you meant a movie and dinner not a pick-nick dinner at the beach "

aiden frowned for the first time that night as he parked his car then turned to look at her " you don't like it?" he asked

it was angelina's turn to chuckle causing aiden's frown to deepen " like it? i love it aiden " she said before reaching over and hugging him

Hearing angelina's words made aiden smile "i told you my mother thought me how to treat a lady , and that includes how to be romantic"

angelina smiled then blushed as she noticed how close she was to aiden, she slowly let go and sat back down in her seat.

"now come on our dinner awaits " aiden said before getting out and walking over to her side to open the door for her. once again he helped her out of the door but this time instead of letting her go he kept a hold of her hand.

"you might want to take your shoes off so you don't get sand in them " he said as he stopped and started taking his combat boots off.

Once they both had their shoes off he took her hand again and started walking.
as they got closer she could see someone had built a small fire, and thanks to the fire she could see a big blanket had been set up, on top of the blanket was a big basket which most likely held their food.

As angelina took everything in she couldn't help but get a bit teary eyed, no one had ever gone so out of their way to be so romantic and for her.

She slowly turned to face aiden as they reached the blanket "aiden this is perfect"

Aiden smiled "glad you think so , now just wait till you see what i brought for us to eat " he said as he sat down and brought angelina down with him

Angelina laughed as she took a spot next to him "so what's for dinner tonight?" she asked as she saw aiden reach for the basket.

Instead of answering he started taking stuff out. He took out a bowl of potato salad , a dish with pasta, and some finger sandwiches and lastly a bottle of what looked like champagne.

" wow you really did go all out " she said as she looked over everything he had brought

"and the best part is that we are going to feed each other" he said as he handed her a fork and started opening the containers holding the food.

Once that was done he opened the champagne and filled a small glass for her " thanks " she said as she reached for it and took a small drink

"what do you think?" he asked as he filled a glass for himself

"perfect, just like everything else " she responded

aiden smiled " okay lets dig in , because im starved " he said as he reached for a fork.

Angelina scoped some pasta into her fork "open " she said as she waited for aiden to open his mouth so she could feed him.

Aiden smiled as he opened his mouth , the pasta was delicious . he scoped some on to his fork "your turn" he told angelina as she opened her mouth

She smiled as she tasted the greatness of the pasta.

They continued feeding each other until all the food was gone and they were almost finished with the champagne.

"Best food ever , but shhh dont tell my mom i said that or she'll stop feeding me " Angelina joked as she helped aiden put stuff away

"Promise i wont " aiden smiled

After everything was put away aiden turned to face angelina " im really glad you liked it"

angelina smiled " i loved it "

Aiden started looking a little shy " that being said would you like to go on another date with me "

Angelina beamed " i would really like that " After hearing her answer aiden broke out in a smile.

They sat looking at each other and slowly they started leaning into each other until there lips were a breath away , Angelina's eyes flicked from aiden's eyes to his lips a second before he closed the space between their lips and kissed her.

The kiss started out slow but then aiden's tongue traced angelina's lips, after a second she opened her mouth letting his tongue in.

They continued kissing until angelina gently pushed aiden away, aiden took the hint and reluctantly stopped kissing her

When angelina looked at him her lips looked full, her cheeks looked rosy and there was a twinkle in her eyes, seeing her like that cause aiden's heart to beat a little faster and a smile to form on his mouth.

Angelina was the first to look away shyly "what time is it?" she asked after a couple of seconds

Aiden checked his watch and let out a curse "its almost 11 your mom is going to kill me " he said as he helped her up.

Once on her feet he took her hand again and started walking "wait what about all that " she said pointing to the dying fire and everything else

" Dont worry about it , i have it all taken care of " he said with a smile as he continued to lead her to his car.

Angelina shrugged and followed him, once they reached his car he opened the door for her

"wait i have to clean my feet so i don't get sand in your car " she said as she sat on the seat with her feet sticking out

"i got you covered " he said as he opened the back door and took out a blanket, he got on his knees infront of her and started cleaning the sand from her feet.

Angelina blushed "you didn't need to do that i could have done it" she said shyly

"but i wanted to " he responded as he finished and put her flats back on.

Angelina smiled as she put her feet in the car.

Before getting in aiden cleaned off his feet and put his combat boots back on.

Soon after aiden started driving " at the cost of giving you a big head, i have to tell you that this was the best date ever "

Aiden smiled brightly " that makes me happy, and it also makes me happy that i got to spend this night with you and i couldn't see myself with anyone else on a date like that "

Angelina felt her self blush.

The drive was fairly quiet except for a couple of comments here and there about their date they didn't speak much

"Well we are here my lady " Aiden said as he turned off the car and got out to open her door

Angelina smiled as she let him help her out of the car and walk her to her door.

"Again aiden i had a great time , thank you for everything "

Aiden smiled " i had a great time too angelina "

Angelina unlocked her door , but before walking in she turned to aiden with a shy smile and before she could wimp out she stood on her tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips

"good night aiden " she said before walking into her house and closing the door

"good night angelina" he said as he walked to his car and smiled at the kiss that angelina had giving him before closing the door.

angelina walked up the stairs to her room silently, once in there she closed the door and laid down on her bed

"wow, that was perfect" angelina murmured as she recalled the date from start to ending, once she started thinking about the date ending she felt her lips tingle a little as she recalled the kiss at the beach and then the one she gave him before walking in to the house.

She felt herself blush as she continued to replay the kisses over and over in her head. Before she knew it she fell asleep dreaming about aiden and kissing him.
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Hey readers :) hope you enjoy this chapter let me know what u think