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I ended the last chapter talking mostly about myself. In this chapter I will continue to do so. I would like for you to know who I really am. First off, I am to be addressed as The Author. After all, I did write these very words that you are reading right now. This is true whether you like it or not. I am in complete control of the lives of my characters, but I do not do what I do alone.

I have, sitting on my right at this moment, a Messenger. This Messenger is the one that enters into the story to place inside the mailboxes of my characters the letters that I have written. But, as you will later see, the messages do not only appear in mailboxes, but everywhere else. I have given to each one of them my very own words, written specifically for them and for their own good. These words are written by the Author of their very world, so, hopefully, they can trust and obey them. I still have more to say about The Messenger, however. This story is a miserable one that I have decided to shorten for your sake. I will start from before I sent my Messenger into this book.

Before my Messenger ever set foot inside the pages of this story, I had some things I needed done. You see, in that time, most of my characters were pretty much aware that I existed and they understood that I was writing the story of their lives. The parents of the parents of the parents of the parents of Pearl, Ebony and Jack all followed a rule I had given them. Since I had written their lives, and since I loved them all enough to continue their story and give them all a free will, I asked of them a sacrifice. They were to each think of one of their most valuable things, write it down on a piece of paper, and burn it. What kind of sacrifice is that, you may ask? Well, if all of these people are just words on a page and their valuable items are written down and burned, those items are no longer existing in their written world. They would do that for me whenever I told them. Such obedient characters they are...

However, I continued to promise them that one day I would give one of my own valuable things and then they would no longer need to sacrifice their own things. Can you guess what that thing was?

In case you didn't guess it right, I am going to tell you. It was The Messenger. The Messenger lives in my world--the world outside their storybook world--and he sits beside me everyday, watching the characters with me. The Messenger--and don't let this confuse you--is me. You see, I do not have the exact same characteristics as the characters in this book. I live, as I have said before, outside of their world. So I sent myself down into their world in a new, character-like form. Pretty neat, huh? I managed to send my child--myself--into their world and outside of my own. The world I live in holds inside it three divine beings, who control every single life of every single person on every single page of every single chapter. One of these beings is The Messenger. But, in order for me to send him into the story to offer him as the very last sacrifice of them all, I had to first get him a mother, a father and--like anyone else who comes into a world--he had to be born. So, I gave him a mother and a father, chosen specifically by me for this exact purpose. I created them in this story for the main purpose of bringing my Messenger into their world, in order to put an end to all sacrifices given to The Author. Once his mother gave birth to him, every character was excited to see how this baby would become the last sacrifice of them all.

Allow me to get to my point. The Messenger was, indeed, killed. I wrote it out clearly. I wrote out his name, I wrote where he was and I burned it all to pieces. My Messenger was pinned, brutally by my characters, to a tall tree. He knew why he was there, but still, he was frightened. I had been telling the people that this day would come. I told them that the final Word of the Author will be burned. However, there was something even more astonishing than that.

The ashes of the paper, burning red and brightening up the night, would rise into the air and enter my world. I had told my characters this as well. His ashes would soon meet with me, I would give him back his form, and he would sit by me forever.

Don't think that sending him into the book and then killing him was wrong of me. That is the main reason I sent him there, and that is why he wanted to go. Not everyone believed that a simple book character could be sent directly from The Author to be the last offering. But The Messenger is not a simple book character. He lives on. Not only this, but I have given him a special privilege. If any character wants to one day come into my world, usually referred to as The Outside World, they must first speak directly to him.

I know what you are thinking: what? One day your characters will be able to meet you? And only The Messenger can get them to you? Well, yes. I sent to them my very self--my child--and in return they must truly believe that he is more than just a "simple book character" but, indeed, my son and myself all at once. It may be a hard thing to grasp, but not hard to believe. Here is another question you may ask: How can they talk to him if they can neither see him nor hear him, since he is now in the "Outside World". Allow me to answer this question with a question of my own: If he is sitting beside me right now, constantly looking at what the characters are doing and reading all their dialogues, don't you think it would be easy for a character to address him by name and ask him something? Don't you think that he would be able to read that too? I know what you are thinking now: He can read what they say and can understand it, but they can't read what he says back to them. Well, I have two things to say to this. First, The Messenger is my messenger. By that I mean that he has sent to my story characters thousands of letters and messages that they have just now started reading. So, in reply to that question, there are some written things I and The Messenger have done in order to help out the characters. But I have something else now to ask: If I (which could also be The Messenger) can tell to the reader something like this: "The lilies are pretty, she thought", can I not then give the character a thought or an idea to answer their question or request they may have asked me? If I have given these characters a story and can do anything I want with them, can I not also give them thoughts directly from the Triangle of Life that is living in The Outside World? Don't you think it is silly to even suggest that I do not have that much power over my own characters? So, in summary, the characters can speak to The Messenger, who is also me (I will keep reminding you that in order to hammer it deep into your mind), and The Messenger can speak back to them.

In the rest of this story, I will give to my characters many clues that point not only to my existence, but to the existence of The Messenger. Unfortunately, only one of these characters will have opened their eyes and their minds to see the whole truth of it: I am all three The Author, the Messenger and--my own thoughts and imagination. We make up a three-sided shape, with three sharp points. We are called the Triangle of Life. If my characters follow the simple rule that The Messenger is the only one that can get them to me, then they can finally meet me in the Outside World.

To end this chapter, I'd like to talk a bit about my Imagination and my Thoughts. You see, as I have briefly mentioned in the previous chapter, my characters were given a free will. This means I allow them to do whatever they want, but warn them that if they do not follow what I have declared as the right thing to do, there will be a bad outcome. Since they have a free will, they also have their own thoughts and ideas. Not any of the three main characters in this book have inside them my thoughts, however. That, dear reader, is one of the amazing gifts I am willing to give to them if they follow me and respect the sacrifice I have given to them. They will be engulfed in my Thoughts and will have a different view of the world. They will see it through my eyes. They will see their lives as a huge story that will one day have to end, and will do so by The Author's hand. They will see that before this whole story ends, or before the story of any particular character ends, everyone that they can get a hold of must know about The Triangle of Life. If they accept that The Messenger is truly their way to the Outside World, then my Thoughts and Imagination will definitely be a part of them.

Once again, it is unfortunate that only one of these characters will have chosen to do so. The other two make brutal decisions, not blindly however, but purposely. The other two will completely ignore the clues I give to point to the existence of The Triangle of Life. The other two will face a decision that will eternally separate them from me. The other two will decide that they do not want to know me or meet me. The other two will hate me, spit at me. The other two will perish. It is a shame...just think of it: characters, in a marvelous book, who do not want anything to do with their very own Author. That is just absurd...but it will happen and you will read about it. These characters will chose to take two separate paths that will continually remind them that they can still turn back, they can still escape this foolishness while there is still time. But only one of the three characters will get it right.