My Love

The truth

Beast Boy's pov
"How did she discover it?" I laughed and rubbed the back of my head nervously. "Well you see..... IcouldntsleepsoiceinthelivingroomandgotsomesoymilkandthenisatdownandturnedonthetvandstoppedonFxandNewMoonwasonandStarwalkedin and yeah....." I said rushing the words together. "Why were you watching it in the first place?" He asked. I flushed with embarrassment. "I wasn't planning on it but heh heh I uh saw a werewolf and I wanted to try and so I did...and..." I admitted sheepishly. "That should be usful in battle." He said. "Also....chicks loove werewolves." I said proudly. He just glared at me. " Well anyway....your point in telling me this was?" He asked. "Oh yeah! You should get her the books and movies." I suggested. "Thanks for the tip." He said. "No problem. Hey uh you know Raven better than anyone right?" I ask cautiously. "Probably...why? Beast you,like R-mmm" I shoved my hand over his mouth. "Yes now shhh!!! Please don't tell ANYONE!" I begged an removed my hand. "So...what are you asking me?" He asked probably already knowing. "I want to know if Raven likes me!" I almost shouted. "Beast Boy...I don't know who she likes." He said. I groaned. "Well thanks anyways." I said starting to walk out. "Wait. About the Twilight thing with Star..."
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Sorry ik it's sorta slow and sorry about mixing Twilight with it I thought it would b funny. Comment what u think PLEASE!!!!!!! Oh and subscribe and recommend