My Love


Raven's pov
When I saw Beast Boy this morning....I'm surprised I didn't blow anything up! He wasn't wearing a shirt and the weird part is...he has abs..... How could I let myself like him? My emotions are dangerous and I don't want to hurt him, plus he would never like me back considering what happened with Terra. Even if it was five months ago. I wondered if he was looking for Robin to inform him about Starfires' newly found love for The Twilight Saga. I only know because I could hear Beast Boy and Starfire talking last night. I took a sip of my herbal tea and heard someone walk in. I turned to look. "Greetings friend! Do you wish to do the hanging out with me today?" Starfire asked drifting over to the couch and sitting next to me. I looked over at her. She was smiling hopefully. I sighed. "Fine, where do you-" "YAY!! Ooo! Maybe we could journey to the mall of shopping or perhaps we could see a movie." She beamed. "How about a movie?" I said, trying to be cheerful. "Ok. What shall we see?" She asked happily. "What's playing?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. 'We probably won't agree on a movie anyway.' I think to myself. "Why don't we just go to the mall?" I suggested. "Lovely! When shall we go?" She asked cheerfully. "Later Starfire. It's only 7:00 in the morning."
"WHO'S HUNGRY?" Cyborg yelled barging in the living room.