Code Names

A Brief Overview

“Hey Grace! I saw Cuddlefish yesterday,” I said, joining my friend at our locker. “I might be going over this weekend.”

“Cool. Just be careful,” she replied jokingly. Neither Cuddlefish nor I want a relationship. I just want hugs, and he well… I don’t know what he wants. But not a relationship. He’s made that very clear.

“Lia, I don’t like your code names,” Arlene complained, walking up behind us. For some reason, actually I understand fully why, she hates that Grace and I have code names for all the guys I’ve been interested in. For us, it’s a fool proof way to talk about them around other people and not let them know who we’re talking about. Arlene gets annoyed for that exact reason. She always likes knowing that’s going on in my life. Most times I’m okay with that, but when it comes to guys I’d rather she didn’t know everything I talk about with Grace.

“Sorry Arlene.” I wasn’t being sincere. I don’t mind being mean to her about this. I need my privacy.

“Sure you are. That’s what you always say, yet you never change,” she argues.

“I’ve got to get to class. See you at one, Grace,” I said, trying to get away. The last thing I need is Arlene really bugging me about guys. Grace waves, and I head off to the new building. It has a real name, it’s named after some person in the school, but we all still call it the new building. It sticks out like a sore thumb from all the old buildings on campus, but it’s up to date with all the latest technology. I have a physics lab, which is great but awful at the same time. We have a huge group project, worth almost half of our mark, and my group’s project isn’t coming along great. However, physics means seeing the awfully hot lab technician. His code name is Papaya. I don’t quite know how he got it. Grace and I were talking, and I said he had to be named after food, and somehow we came up with Papaya.

Here’s the 4-1-1 on Papaya. He’s four years older than me, and we went to the same high school! I didn’t see him much, but he was there. On occasion, we’d meet, and me being me would make a fool of myself. It’s tough seeing him all the time now, but I manage.