Status: Mind flowing, words processing.

Feather Ink

Anya has tattoos that she can't remember getting, and strange birth marks that appear to be darkening and reshaping every day. When she meets Nero, a strange new student at her school (who doesn't seem to really go to school so much as he just attends Anya's classes at random), she notices his necklace is curiously distinct to the shape of her infinity symbol birthmarks on the inside of her wrists. The two immediately get off on the wrong foot when Nero criticizes her unbelievably small handwriting during Anya's advanced placement English class, then points out to her that her former infinity birthmarks have morphed into dark and shapely immaculate tattoos, as if they were grown in the garden of her skin. This makes Anya uneasy, and the feeling only increases when she runs into another girl who goes by the name of Harmony with a tattoo of the same exact symbol on the back of her shoulder.
Things are changing, Anya is changing, and nothing will make it stop. What's happening to her? What's happening around her? What does this mean for her future?

Is she even still going to college?
  1. Perfectly Gray
    Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.-Oscar Wilde
  2. Unremarkable
    It is easier to penetrate your audience with one sharp, clean point or idea, thand with a maze of half-baked unremarkable, uninspiring ideas that will never motivate or be remembered.-Stavros Cosmopulos