American Eulogy

Chapter 4: St. Jimmy

"No way! You're totally making that up!" Whatsername and Suburbs were sitting in a tiny little shop located on East 12th Street. "I'm being 100% honest, I swear!" In truth, Suburbs was not being honest. Him and Whatsername had been sharing stories and milkshakes for a little over three hours now, and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. "You're a riot, Suburbs. I really wish I could have met you sooner." In that moment, the Jesus of Suburbia knew he was in love with this girl. Suburbs knew he needed to tell her. He took a deep breath and-. "Well aren't you a lovely lady!" The compliment came from a boy, no older than the Jesus of Suburbia. The boy was tall, and his face resembled Suburb's. He was sporting a leather jacket with ripped blue jeans. He had dark blue eyes that contained a spark of mischief. "Yes, quite a pretty girl, but so skinny! Mind if I buy you something to eat?" Whatsername was speechless. This boy was beautiful, not to mention confident. "I... Uh... Yeah, that'd be nice." The boy sat down next to Whatsername, and addressed the bartender. "Three club sandwiches, please sir." The bartender gave the rag-tag teenagers a skeptical look before sashaying into the kitchen. "Who are you," asked Whatsername. The boy put his arm around her and whispered in her ear. "St. Jimmy's my name, and I'm making YOU my game." He gave her a quick wink before addressing the Jesus of Suburbia. "Now who, pray, are you?" The look on St. Jimmy's face gave Suburbs the impression that he was sizing him up. "Name's Jesus of Suburbia, you can call me Suburbs." St. Jimmy smirked. "This your girl?" The question caught Suburbs off guard. If he answered yes, what would Whatsername say? If he answered no, he might lose her... "No... Not really..." The bartender came back and placed the food in front of the three. "Sir, I need you to sign the receipt." Jimmy did so. The bartender raised an eyebrow. "St. Jimmy?" St. Jimmy nodded. "And don't wear it out." The bartender didn't like the look of these kids, but he decided to leave it alone. "So, what's your name?" Whatsername gave him usual speech on how she didn't have a name. The three chatted for hours on end, sharing their life stories and such. They didn't feel like strangers, more like old friends. Despite his jealousy for Whatsername, even Suburbs had to admit he liked St. Jimmy. "Hey, hey guys. I barely know you, but I think we're going to be best friends. Wanna come over to my place?" The Jesus of Suburbia was a little wary about going to Jimmy's place, but Whatsername's enthusiasm reassured him. "Yes," she cried. "This is going to be so much fun!"