Still the One


'I want to get a tattoo.' I looked over at Harry during a commercial of the movie we were watching. He turned to me cocking his head to the side studying me, 'I'm serious.'

'You sure? It is pretty permanent.' Harry extended his arm to me at the variety of tattoos on his arm. I touched the ship then the two hands shaking.

'I know. Remember I always wanted one.'

'Yes but you were too scared to follow through with it. I'll do it here if you'd like.' I stared at him with wide eyes, 'I'm joking. I'm joking. I'll take you to a professional.'

'You will?'

'Of course i will. Sometime this week just remind me.'

'I will.' I smiled.

'Someone goes back to class tomorrow.' Harry touched the tip of my nose with his finger.

'Don't remind me.' I groaned falling back on the sofa.

'How about i come by in the morning and drop you off then come back and get you.'

'I'd like that.' I nestled against his chest as the movie came back on.


It was the next morning when i was climbing into Harry's dark Range Rover. 'Good morning.' I kissed his cheek as i closed the car door.

'Good morning beautiful.' I looked down at him in a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved sweater. He had his brown curls pushed back with a black beanie. 'Do you want to get some breakfast before you go?' I nodded my head in response fumbling through my backpack. We arrived at a small cafe and went inside. I sat across from Harry and waited for the waitress to come up to us. I chewed on my thumb nail bouncing my foot. 'Nerves?'

'I have to take math this semester.'

'It'll be fine.'

'Says someone who's great in math and you don't even use it.'

'The perks of being in a band.' He chuckled. We ordered pastries and coffee once she came over. Harry and I finished our breakfast then he pulled right in front of the main building. I frowned looking over at him as i started to get out the door. 'Smile babe, it's gonna be a good day.' I flashed him a big smile causing him to laugh. 'See you later.' I kissed his lips opening the door.

'I'll text you a little before my class gets out.'

'I'll leave my phone on. And if anyone asks, you're mine.' He smiled handing me what was left of my coffee. 'Wait! I nearly forgot- i got you something for you first day.' Harry said digging in the back seat of his car his hand returned with a white bag. I took the bag from him and pulled out a Harry journal from their endorsement with Office Depot. I bursted out into a fit of laughter as did he, 'I know I cant be in class with you or carry your books but this way we'll sort of be together.'

'I love it. Thank you Harry.' I laughed as i slid out the car and lightly closed the door behind me. I pulled my schedule out of my purse and unfolded it. First class was advanced writing, easy. I looked at the room number and headed that way. Unfortunately this semester Eleanor and I would have one or two classes together during the week. On the way to class there were a few stares in my direction which was expected since Harry and I were completely back out in the open. I made it to my first class with a few time to spare so i got to choose just which seat I'd be in for the semester. I choose a seat in the middle of the classroom then began laying all my stuff on the space in front of me. Slowly people started to drag in finding their spots. The professor came into the room closing the door and silently walked into the front of the class.

'Hello class, I'm Mr. Deaton and welcome to advanced writing. Now I'm going to begin by calling out the names just to make sure who's here and who isn't. So listen carefully as I call the names.' The class quieted down while he started with the last names beginning with A. Suddenly he was closer to W than i thought, 'Elizabeth White.' He stated just like every other professor since primary school.

'Libby.' I corrected, 'Libby White.'

'Okay, my apologizes. Libby White is what you'll be addressed by as of now.' The people in rows before me turned in their seats glancing at me and I could feel the back rows staring as well. I looked down at my journal of Harry's face. He had a cute smirk spread across it. Smile. I could hear his voice in my head. I smiled running my thumb across his lips. The teacher jumped right into explaining his expectations for this semester. The class lasted about an hour and a half then it was time for my next class. I had a thirty minute break before my next class so i took the time to head over to the bookstore and pick up my Advanced Writing book for class. I stood in the long line waiting to pay for my book.

'Libby!' Eleanor's voice rung as she stood in line a few people before me. She signaled me to come to where she was. The guys between us kindly moved back letting me in front of them, ' i didn't see you car in the usual spot.'

'Harry dropped me off this morning.'

'Aw how sweet! Have you had a class already?'

'Yes. Advanced writing.'

'I've just had physics. Where are you headed?'

'Math.' I sighed pulling out my class schedule. 'It's for an hour and forty minutes!'

'Poor libby.' She giggled rubbing my back, 'it's gonna be fine.'

'And everyone says Mrs. Thatcher is tough.'

'I wish I could tell you from my own experience but i never had her.' We checked out our books then left the bookstore. 'I'll see you after this class.'

'See you.' I waved walking to the math building. Room 312.' I walked up the stairs and stopped on at the 12th door. The teacher was sitting on a stool in front of the class with a stone-cold expression on her face. I swallowed and went inside. The class slowly looked at the door then back towards the front.

'You. Right here.' She pointed to a seat right in the front row. I nodded and hurried to the front sitting down. 'Name?'

'Libby White.'

'Full name.'

'Elizabeth White. But I prefer Libby.'

'I will address you by last name as well as the others in the class.'

'Okay.' I looked down at my hands. This is going to be a tough semester. She began her lecture right at 10:00. I struggled to keep up with all the notes she jotted down on the board. My hand cramped up from all the writing. At 11:40 she dismissed us. I met Eleanor in the cafeteria for a quick lunch which was a bright apple i brought from home.

'How was it dear?'

'Awful! I swear that lady hates me already.'

'You're kidding.'

'No! I think she hates everyone.'

'Well don't take it to personal.' Eleanor laughed sipping her water.

'It's not funny El. I have to spend a whole semester with her since its mandatory.'

'Relax.' She placed her hand on mine, 'you're definitely not going to survive this semester if you're constantly freaking out.'

'Thankful I have one more class.'

'And it's with me!' She exclaimed, 'it's only a humanities which should be fun.'

'Why'd we take art appreciate again?' I laughed linking my arm with hers.

'Everything else was taken.'

'Right.' I walked up the stairs with Eleanor. We sat in the back of the room beside each other. I sent harry a text that I'd be ready to go in about forty minutes to which he replied

i'll be right where i dropped you off. see you soon xx. - Harry

I smiled putting my phone away. After class Eleanor and I headed out the building. 'Another school's here.' She pointed to a bus of guys in football (soccer) jerseys. Their team colors were quite familiar . 'Hey isn't that-' Eleanor's voice trailed off.

'Daniel.' I filled in.

'Hey Libby, Eleanor. Our school's training room construction is not finished as they'd thought it be so we'll be here for the time being.' Daniel said once he walked over to us.

'Lovely.' Eleanor chimed.

'Alright, we'll I'll be seeing you around then.' He waved trotted off to his teammates. Eleanor and I exchanged the same look.

'I better get going, Harry's waiting.'

'Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.'

'See you!' I waved hurrying to the front of the main building. Harry's Range Rover was in practically the same spot from earlier. 'Hi.' I climbed inside closing the door.

'Hey babe. How was your first day?'
