Still the One


Harry’s Point of View

‘Who was that Harry?’ Libby questions with the slightest frown, ‘on the phone just now?’

‘How long have you been listening Lib?’ I buy myself some time and stand to my feet, ‘I mean, what did you hear?’

‘I heard enough to know that you’ve been lying to me and keeping things from me.’ She moves away from my attempt to touch her smooth arm.

‘I only did it to protect you.’ I defend, ‘I didn’t want you to be bothered with this while I took care of it.’

‘My tires were slashed a few hours ago so I don’t think you’ve taken care of it.’

‘Baby, I’m sorry.’ I grab her arm and pull her into my chest, ‘I thought I could make all of this go away before you even know what was happening.’

‘But you can’t do that.’

‘I know and I’m sorry.’

‘I want to know everything.’ She pulls herself away from my chest.


‘Harry…’ she challenges right back, ‘now.’

I sit on the sofa and pull her down onto my lap with a low sigh. ‘You’re stubborn as hell.’

‘Stop stalling.’
‘Fine. I got a call from the station a while ago and they had found Lana’s former hiding spot and it was filled with a creepy amount of pictures of you. Like she had this sick obsession with you. They were drew on and cut up. The officers told me that it would be best if you just looked out for awhile just until she’s caught.’ I explain stroking her back with my hand.

‘I’m really not afraid of Lana. I actually want to see her so I can beat the living shi-...’ Libby glares at the blank wall in front of us as I cover her mouth.

‘Whoa, killer.’ I laugh, ‘take it easy.’

‘I’m serious Harry.’ She groans laying her head back on my chest, ‘all of this. For an interview.’

‘Well maybe that’s what we give her.’ I suggest feeling the sneaky grin dance on my lips.

‘What do you mean?’

‘Just leave it to me.’

‘I came out here because I forgot my toiletries bag in the room.’ Libby slides from my lap and heads back into the bedroom. ‘I need to sleep because class in the morning.’

‘Why can’t you just graduate so you can stay home with me.’

‘I’d be living the dream.’ She teases before closing the door.

Libby’s Point of View

‘I will see you in a bit.’ Harry says coming to a stop in the school’s parking lot. ‘I love you.’

‘I love you, Harry.’ I kiss him gentle lips and slide out of the car.

As I walk into the school’s building Oliver is standing in the same spot from the day before. He was again dressed in all black with his black boots and black backpack. He catches my stare and friendly waves. I hesitantly wave back before hurrying off to my class. Unfortunately he was in nearly every class I had so there was no escaping him.

Looking forward to Buddha tonight! – Amy.

Same here. Cannot wait to see you and the girls! – Libby.

‘Hey Libby, how’s it going?’

‘It’s fine.’ I turn to face Oliver, ‘and you?’

‘Good, good. Glad to be getting out of here for a few days.’ He shrugs adjusting the backpack on his back. ‘Even if it is only the weekend.’

‘I know what you mean. I’m ready to go to my internship and be done with work for the next 48 hours.’

‘Where do you intern?’ he wonders as he eyes me.

‘Just for this magazine. My boyfriend’s waiting for me so I should probably go.’

‘Alright, see you around.’

I sigh with relief when I spot Harry’s small white vintage car waiting in one of the first parking spaces. I slid down into the car and greeted Harry with a grateful kiss.

‘How were classes?’

‘Good.’ I glance around to see if Oliver had followed me but thankfully he didn’t. ‘How were rehearsals?’

‘Good, I actually have to go back now so I can’t drop you off at Glamour so I’ll take you by the flat and you can get the Range Rover since it’s on the way.’

‘They haven’t brought the car by yet?’ I ask curiously.

‘They’re running behind so they better not ask for the full price.’ He grumbles backing out of the parking lot and driving me to the flat.

‘Remember I’ll be with the girls tonight.’ I say as I begin to get out.

‘Got it.’ He replies, ‘I love you.’

‘I love you. See you afterwards.’ I kiss his lips and grab the keys to the car then close the door.

Harry drives away as I walk to the Range Rover and climb inside of it. Tiffany was waiting in my office when I arrived to Glamour. Her long legs were folded over one another as she sat in the large chair.

‘Comfortable?’ I laugh setting down my briefcase and drink that I brought from school.

‘Yes actually, I am.’ She smiles back getting up from the chair, ‘I just wanted to see if you’d be interested in having dinner at my place tomorrow with my fiancé and I. You can bring your boyfriend.’

‘What’s the occasion?’ I ask taking my eyes off of the list of duties given to me by Jackie.

‘Just having a few friends over. No big deal.’

‘Sure, give me the details before we leave.’ I agree as she sways her way out of the room.

Do you have any plans for dinner tomorrow night? – Libby.

not tomorrow night and you better be making dinner tonight – Harry.

I am. I am. Tiffany from the office wants us to come to a dinner party she’s having tomorrow night. Would you come with me? – Libby.

well you’re not going alone. – Harry.

Great. I’ll see you tonight. – Libby.

I call Tiffany from the office phone and let her know that we’ll be there. The day drags on and I complete all of the tasks in the great time before I decide to leave a little earlier today.

‘See you tomorrow.’ Tiffany calls as I step into the lift.

I stop at the shop not too far from Harry’s flat so I could get some ingredients for tonight. I was going to make him this new grilled chicken dish I researched on the Internet while at Glamour. I grab all of the ingredients needed and head to the check out. While in the line I get a call from my dad informing me of all of my mum’s information. Harry and I had talked about going to see her Sunday afternoon for about half an hour or so. Buddha tonight. Tiffany’s tomorrow. Visit mum on Sunday. It was going to be quite the weekend. I get to the flat and change into one of Harry’s tee shirts then begin cooking. I boil the pasta and chop the tomatoes and chicken before tossing it all together step by step.

‘Baby, I’m home.’ Harry calls with a small laugh.

‘In the kitchen.’ I call in return taking a sip of the glass of water I had on the counter.

Harry’s boots make a soft tapping sound as he got closer and closer to me. He comes to a stop with the slightest smile on his face.

‘Wow.’ He breathes eyeing me with a grin. ‘I could come home to this every day.’

‘Sit down, dinner’s just about ready.’

‘Mmm. Come home to a meal cooked by my beautiful girlfriend who happens to be wearing nothing but my shirt. How can I complain?’ Harry happily takes a seat at one of the chairs, ‘oh called the tow truck on the way home and they should be here in about twenty minutes with your car.’

‘I can’t thank you enough.’ I smile wrapping my arms around his neck.

‘I think you just did.’ He says as he grabs my thigh giving it a squeeze, ‘what did you cook?’

‘This new chicken dish.’

‘It smells incredible.’ He compliments as I grab a bowl from the cabinets. ‘Nearly as incredible as you look.’

‘Stop.’ I shake my head at him as I make him a helping then placing it in front of him. ‘Taste it.’

He cups my waist and holds me on his lap while his other hand picks up the fork. He quickly pops the food into his mouth and chews slowly. I wait on pins and needles for his opinion of the dish.

‘Please tell me you made more of this.’ Harry says finally easing my wandering mind. ‘This is amazing Libby. I love it.’

‘Phew.’ I breathe out sliding my bowl in front of me, ‘now that I know its safe.’

‘That is my line.’ He laughs devouring the bowl of chicken and pasta, ‘I will be eating leftovers for days if you make more.’

‘Now I really need to get ready.’ I finish my food and scurry to the bedroom to get ready to go to Buddha.

When I come out of the shower Harry is waiting on the bed with his hands in his lap. I wrap the towel around my body tighter and bend over in the suitcase. Within seconds Harry was behind me wrapping his arms around me.

‘Harry, stop.’ I laugh brushing him off.

‘How do you expect me to see you come out of the bathroom in a towel for Christ’s sake and do absolutely nothing about it?’ he pouts as he sits back down on the bed.

I choose not to respond as I pull out freshly a washed bra and a matching set of panties to go with my dress. Harry groans behind me as he lies back on the bed causing it squeak.

‘The girls will be here soon.’ I point out standing over the bed.

‘How soon?’ Harry raises an eyebrow at me.

‘About twenty minutes.’

‘Sounds like enough time to me.’ Harry mutters before pulling me down on top of him.

‘Libby, the girls are here.’ Harry calls after he scrambled to pull on a pair of sweatpants.

I pull on my dress and run the brush through my hair and slipping into my heels. I smile to myself as Harry wraps his arms around me before I go out of the door.

‘We’ll finish when you come home.’ He whispers then gives me a quick kiss of the cheek. ‘Be careful. Don’t drink too much. Call me if any guys hit on you.’ Harry waves as I follow the others to the car. ‘I love you.’

‘I love you too.’ I say before climbing into the car and closing the door.

‘Well wasn’t that sweet.’ Perrie grins from the front seat, ‘he just bout followed you to the car.’

‘Quite protective he is.’ Amy laughs fastening her seat belt.

‘That’s Harry for you.’

Funky Buddha seemed to be more crowded than usual as the drink line slowly moved. People were dancing in every corner to the upbeat song that blared over the speakers.

‘He’s checking you out big time.’ Danielle points out to the boy nursing the beer at one of the nearby tables.

‘Hey isn’t he from school?’ Eleanor chimes in rocking back and forth.

‘That’s Oliver.’ I peep quietly as he awkwardly looks away catching our stares.