Still the One


Harry’s Point of View

I wake up to Libby and Bandit curled up on the sofa watching some movie. I grab my watch from the coffee table and wrap it around my wrist.

‘Where are you going?’ Libby quietly asks me as she slightly sits up.

‘I am going to a meeting. I’ll be back soon so we can start moving your stuff here.’

‘Alright, bye babe.’ Libby smiles over at me.

‘Bye baby.’ I say in return bending over to kiss her, ‘I love you.’

‘I love you Harry.’ I will never grow old of her saying those words to me.

‘See you when I get back.’

‘See you.’

I head out the door as it was getting harder and harder to actually leave her there. I don’t want I would do when we head off for tour in four days. The first show isn’t for actually six days but we needed to be there early for rehearsals. I climb into the small white car and drive to management’s office.

‘Harold!’ Niall announces flopping down beside me, ‘you ready for this?’

‘Do I have another choice?’ I shrug leaning back on the leather sofa. ‘I’m going to keep Libby safe no matter what I have to do.’

‘I would do the same if it came down Amy.’ Niall replies running a hand through his head, ‘does Libby know you’re doing this?’


‘What?’ Niall nearly shouts in my ear, ‘she is going to kill you.’

‘Not once she realizes that all of this well just be a distant memory.’

‘I hope you’re right.’

‘I hope I am too.’ I sigh pressing my fingers to the bridge of my nose.

‘Alright boys. Time to get ready.’ Paul says once he finishes up talking to the police department.

Libby’s Point of View

I sat on the sofa with Bandit in my lap watching a movie waiting for Harry to come back from the meeting. My phone lets out a loud chime catching me off guard. I stare at the unfamiliar number slightly confused.

I see you finally came around. I can’t wait to meet YOUR boyfriend today.

There was only one person that this message could be from. Lana. This could mean one thing. Harry lied to me. How was I going to find out where they were meeting?

‘Come on Bandit.’ I grab the small kitten into my arms and head out to my car.

I carefully sit him down in the passenger’s seat before sliding into the driver’s seat. I call Perrie as I’m driving and asked her if Zayn was around. She informs me that he went to the same “meeting” but she didn’t know where it was. I finally call Amy, knowing Niall couldn’t keep anything from her.

‘All he said was it would down at management’s.’

‘Thanks, Amy! I owe you.’

I pull into the office of management and sure enough saw several familiar cars. Niall’s matte black Range Rover. Liam’s white Lamborghini. Zayn’s Bentley and beside it, Harry’s small white car. I hesitantly scoop Bandit into my arms and head into the building.

‘Good morning, Libby.’ One of their usual secretary waves.

‘Hi Dawn.’ I smile walking over to the counter.

‘Who’s this little guy?’

‘Bandit.’ I give his bandana a small tug. ‘Has the meeting started yet?’

‘Um,’ she looks down at her manicured hands uncomfortable, ‘meeting?’

‘I know what’s going on Dawn.’

‘He’s right through there.’ She sighs defeated.


‘Oh look it’s Libby.’ Liam announces trying to get Harry’s attention.

‘With a cat!’ Niall points with a laugh, ‘when’d that happen?’

‘A couple of days ago.’ I respond walking over to Harry.

‘Damn it.’ Harry curses as I near him. ‘Hey baby, what are you doing here?’

‘Can I talk to you in private for a moment babe?’ I plaster a smile on my face as Harry stands up, ‘just for a second.’

‘Sure, we can go to the office right across the hall.’


‘Don’t kill him Lizard.’ Zayn smirks tossing a ball over to Louis.

‘Shut up.’ Harry mutters pulling out the room with him, ‘so what brings my beautiful girlfriend down here on such short notice?’ Harry lets two fingers touch the top of Bandit’s head.

‘I know Harry.’


‘I know what you’re doing here Harry. This is all for Lana, isn’t it?’

‘Who told you?’

‘She did.’ I thrust my phone out towards him, ‘why would you keep this from me?’

‘In my defense I didn’t keep anything from you. I told you that I was going to a meeting and that’s where I am.’

‘You didn’t tell me it was an interview with the girl from hell.’

‘So I may have left a tiny detail out.’

‘Harry.’ I pinch the skin of his hand, ‘I’m being serious.’

‘I’m sorry.’ He brings his head down to kiss my forehead, ‘okay, I’m sorry for keeping it from you. Do you forgive me?’

‘No.’ I shake my head hiding my smile.

‘Do you forgive me?’ he asks again pressing his lips to mine letting them linger.


‘Forgive me.’ He whispers trapping my bottom lip between his teeth with a tug.


‘That a girl.’ He smiles, ‘Bandit thought I was attempting to smother him with my shirt.’

‘Harry!’ Niall knocks several times on the door, ‘it’s time.’

‘Coming!’ Harry pulls his body away from me then stands up straight, ‘okay, I need you to stay here Libby. Please don’t find me on this one okay? Fight me on anything in the world but this right now.’

‘I won’t.’ I promise sitting down in the empty seat with Bandit.

‘You won’t?’ he taunts with a victorious smile, ‘I’m surprised.’

‘Shut up. They’re waiting for you.’

‘It’s all going to be over.’


‘With all of my heart.’

‘I love you. Please be careful.’

‘I love you.’ Harry repeats running his thumb over my cheek, ‘I gotta go but I will be back.’

‘Okay.’ I say in return before watching Harry walk out the door.

Harry’s Point of View

‘Alright boys we’re going to do five minute short interviews. First, Louis, Liam, Zayn, then Niall and finally Harry. After she finishes the single interviews and is comfortable with all of you then we’ll bring you all together. About five minutes in the officers will go ahead and take her away. Does everyone get it?’

‘Yep!’ Niall was the first to speak up.

‘Wait, why am I going first?’ Louis questions, ‘I mean this girl is a known psycho.’

‘I can do it.’ I raise my hand looking around.

‘No we need you to go last so she doesn’t bolt immediately after. We need you to show her that everything’s okay.’

‘I’ll go first.’ Liam volunteers.

‘Okay, get ready Liam. They’re escorting her here now. They interview room is right through there.’ Paul points.

‘It is imperative that we do not show her any hesitation or hostility that may tip her off.’ The police chief informs us, ‘just relax and take it as any regular interview.’

‘Got it.’ Liam heads to the small door and goes inside with Paul.

It was the longest twenty minutes of my entire life as I waited for my opportunity to sit face to face with the girl who’s set out to make Libby’s life a living hell. All because she wanted to interview us for her stupid ass project, which I’m sure, she’s failed by now because she hasn’t been at uni.

‘Alright Harry, she’s waiting for you.’ Paul signals me to follow him through the room.

‘I’ll see you guys in a bit.’ I nod and slip through the door.

‘Hello Harry.’ The dark haired girl nods her head at me with a shy smile.

‘Hi?’ I squint in the dark room, ‘how are you today?’

‘I’m just lovely.’ She says in return. ‘So tell me about this upcoming tour of yours.’

‘We’ll be touring the country and world at these iconic stadiums so that’ll be fun.’

‘What is one thing you cannot live without while you’re on tour?’

‘I know everyone’s expecting me to say phone or food or something of that nature but the hardest thing to leave is my girlfriend.’

‘Ah, yes. Libby White, correct?’

‘That’s correct.’

‘How is it possible for five rowdy boys to sleep on the same bus for months and months at a time?’

‘It’s not possible at all. It gets dirty very easily and smells like nothing you’ve imagined. I have to keep my area clean for when family comes around.’

‘Any new tricks for this tour?’

‘Just a better set list, more amazing instruments, bigger stage. Niall’s going to be doing a lot of the musical parts on this tour. Oh and more shenanigans.’

‘I love it. I appreciate you taking the time out to talk to me today.’

‘Yeh, no problem.’

The lights come on and I was face-to-face with Lana. Wait this isn’t Lana.

‘Paul!’ I shout aloud, ‘this isn’t her!’

Libby’s Point of View

The office door swings open and close before I could blink. Lana was standing there with dark eyes.

‘How stupid do you think I am?’ she pulls a dark object from her bag, a gun.
♠ ♠ ♠
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