Still the One


The next morning I wake up beside Harry who was sound asleep snoring as he usually did. I carefully get out of the bed just to be pulled back down to my warm space.

‘Where are you going?’ he wonders tiredly not bothering to open his eyes.

‘I was going to get dressed.’ I answer back attempting to free myself from his tight grasp.

‘No.’ he mutters clearing his throat, ‘Stay here.’

‘Harry.’ I whine through a tired laugh, ‘Come on.’

‘No.’ he repeats quietly, ‘Just lay with me for a little bit longer.’

I do as I’m told and snuggle into Harry’s chest. He kisses my forehead wrapping his arms firmly around me. It was a full two hours later before Harry finally rolls over to get out of the bed.

‘May I get changed now?’ I sit up beside him rubbing my eyes.

‘If you insist.’ He laughs reaching for his phone.

I watch as he studies the screen and his smile soon disappears. He anxiously stabs away at the screen running a large hand through his messy hair. He glides his hand across his soft pink lips, another one of his nervous ticks.

‘What’s the matter?’ I question curiously.

‘Nothing.’ He shakes his head not looking at him.

‘We don’t lie to each other Harry. Maybe you can sit there and lie straight to my face but I could never do that to you.’ I mutter going into the other room slamming the door behind me.

‘Libby.’ He sighs on the other side of the wooden door, ‘Open up.’

‘You’re hiding something and I don’t like it.’

‘I am not hiding anything.’ His voice cracks at the words just as it always did when he wasn’t being honest, ‘Just open the door.’

‘Leave me alone right now Harry.’ I say not wanting to blurt out something I’d regret later.

‘Look, Niall sent me a link to an article – it was about you. I wanted to keep it away from you just to spare you. Yeah, I lied but with the best intentions.’

‘What article?’

‘It’s nothing Lib.’


‘It’s just the girl who’s going around that I messed with her. She’s saying how I told her, things about you.’

‘What things?’

‘It really doesn’t matter, if I’m being completely honest right now.’

‘It matters to me.’ I complain swinging the door open to grab his phone from his palm.

I bring his phone to my eyes as the article loads onto the screen again. The girl, Esmeralda, was now claiming that Harry told her intimate things about me during their escapade. He told her how much better she was than me. He told her how much he liked being with her better.

‘I told you it didn’t matter because none of its true.’

‘I really need some air right now.’

‘Don’t worry about this bullshit, okay?’

‘I came here to forget about Lana and then I’m hit with this. I’m going to flunk out of my classes and lose my dream internship just to be here where some girl is slandering our relationship all over the tabloids? It’s not worth it. I’m going back home.’

Harry opens his mouth to talk as I grab Bandit in my arms and walking out of the room. I make it to the elevator before Harry could put on some clothes to stop me. I make it down to the lobby suddenly at a loss. Fans and paps waited outside the hotel once again so it wouldn’t be worth the trouble to try and get past them all. I get a car brought to back and the manager helps me out through the kitchen.

‘Just you and me.’ I whisper to Bandit as the SUV pulls out unnoticed.

I wasn’t gone long before all of the messages from Harry started to come in.

Where are you? – Harry.

Just checked with Perrie. You’re not there. – Harry.

The manager says you left???? – Harry.

Where the hell are you? – Harry.

Don’t worry. I’m fine. – Libby.

I know Harry was expecting more of a reply but this would be enough to ease his mind. If I didn’t send that Harry probably would’ve had the entire city’s police department looking for me. I get out of the car at some kind of spa that the driver recommended. I go inside with Bandit and walk over to the counter.

‘No pets.’ The woman with gray hair cautiously eyes Bandit.

‘I’m sorry. I really couldn’t leave him. I promise he’s clean and doesn’t get in the way.’

She stares at me unconvinced before whispering something to the woman beside her. I didn’t understand what they were saying but I could tell that it wasn’t English. There was something that I could understand: One Direction. She sighs pulling out a clipboard and slides it across the counter.

‘Fill out.’

‘Thank you so much.’ I beam pleased walking over to the nearest chair, ‘You’ll need to be on your best behavior.’

Do you mind telling me where you are right now? Don’t you think that that’s some information that I need to know? – Harry.

Okay Libby, you are really screwing with me right now and I hate it. Just pick up your phone. – Harry.

Just call me, please. – Harry.

I’m sorry for leaving without telling you where I was going. I didn’t know where I was going at the time actually. I just really need to be alone for a little bit. I’m not mad at you. I realize that I may have overreacted. I’m just taking a bit of time to myself for right now. I’ll talk to you later, all right? I love you Harry. – Libby.

I shouldn’t have lied. I’m trying to get this all taken care of as soon as possible. Be careful. I love you more than anything Libby. – Harry.

‘You can come back now.’ One of the workers informs me as she holds the steel door open.

I eagerly follow her down the hallway and to a small room. She hands me a fluffy white robe and instructs me to get comfortable. I strip from my clothes and cover myself with the robe once she leaves me in the room to go get some massage oils.

‘Feel free to look around our facility while you wait.’ The manager informs me with a warm smile.

‘I will.’ I grab Bandit in my arms and slowly walk around to see all of the different stations and rooms they had.

There was a group of girls all sitting in the pedicure chairs waiting impatiently. One is louder than the rest and in the center of them all. I could easily tell that she was the ringleader to their posse. I move closer to study her familiar features causing them all to stare at me with the same realization. A sly smile plays on her full lips as she tosses her long dark hair over her shoulder.
