Still the One


It was late when I was finally able to leave Glamour at the end of the day. I didn’t mind much because I would be going home to an empty house with the exclusion of Bandit. As I’m packing up my phone lets a loud ring. Harry.

‘Hello, you.’ I smile pulling my purse over my shoulder and grabbing my papers to take home.

‘Don’t “hello you” me – what happened to calling me after classes?’ Harry speaks sternly but I could practically see his wide, dimple-filled smile right now.

‘I’m really sorry. Time got away from me today, I’m just leaving Glamour right now.’

‘Wow, you’ve never stayed this late before. The fashion week stuff?’

‘Yeh, I’m so tired. I could use a hot bath for two right now,’ I speak once I’m in the elevator by myself. Some scented candles and that really good wine that you always get. We could snuggle up under the sheets until we both fell asleep wrapped up in one another.’

‘God, I miss you.’ Harry murmurs into the phone, ‘either you need to come here or I need to come home.’

‘If only either of those were possible,’ I sigh digging in my purse for my car keys. ‘Just a few weeks.’ I remind both Harry and myself.

‘Yeah then I’m back on the road for America a week later.’ Harry stiffs out an unconvincing laugh.

‘What’s wrong?’ I wonder lifting the boot of the car to throw my things in there for the night.

‘I guess it’s just that first day back out there; it’s always the hardest for me. Once we start playing some shows it’ll get better I’m sure.’ Harry responds after a few long moments, ‘enough about me. What’s all that noise in the background?’

‘I just got into my car about to pick up something to eat and then head to the house.’

‘All right, I’m going to let you go because I do hate you driving and talking so just call me when you get settled in at home. Maybe we could Facetime before you go to bed?’

‘I like the sound of that. I’ll call you in a bit. I love you.’

‘I love you too.’

I decided to stop at one our favorite Indian food stops before going home. I wait as the gate slowly slides open before pulling into the garage. Bandit was curled up in his small, blue bed in the corner of the kitchen. He briefly opens his eyes to stare at me before rolling over with a soft purr.

‘It’s nice to see you too.’ I say aloud before flopping down in the living room’s sofa. I turn on the TV and catch up on the past episode of Catfish. After the episode finished I headed upstairs and start running a hot bath. A squeal escapes my lips as the water brushes against my skin. Once I settle in the tub I grab my phone from the side of the tub to call Harry.

‘It’s about time!’ Harry appears on the screen with a wide smile, ‘wait, do you have clothes on?’

‘I am currently in the bathtub.’

‘Well lower the camera then.’ Harry smirks wiggling his eyebrows at me.

‘Not in this lifetime, pal.’ I laugh propping the phone up with a fluffy towel. ‘What are you doing? I’m surprised you’re alone.’

‘I am currently lying in my bed. Everyone went out but I was waiting on you so I decided to just order some room service so we could talk.’

‘Aren’t you sweet?’ I tease leaning my head back on the tub’s back. ‘You do not know how good this feels right now.’

‘I’m going to keep my mouth shut because you honestly do not want to know what I’m thinking right now.’

‘You are terrible.’

Harry and I talked for about an hour longer before I called it a night because I would be going into Glamour early tomorrow morning since I didn’t have class. In the morning, I roll out of bed and put on a plain navy dress and a pair of white tennies before trotting down the stairs.

‘Good morning Bandit. I will be back early today so I will see you soon. There’s fresh food in the dish. Bye bye.’

Before going to Glamour I decided to stop at a café not too far from the office for something for breakfast. I ordered my coffee and a fresh blueberry muffin then wait until for the barista to call out my name.

‘Libby?’ a familiar voice wonders from behind. It was Will Jacobs, my literature professor. He was dressed in a dark pair of jeans and a fitted black tee shirt along with a black pair of boots. His aviators were clipped on the front of us tee shirt and his dark hair was sprawled all over his hair. ‘I thought that was you.’

‘Mr. Jacobs, hi.’ I wave readjusting the strap of my bag, ‘how are you?’

‘I’m doing good, and you? I didn’t know that you came here. I usually stop in every other morning.’

‘I come here occasionally,’ I answer with a nod, ‘I work not too far from here so it’s on the way.’

‘I got a chance to take a quick glimpse over your paper and from what I saw I think that it’s really good. You keep one-uping yourself with every paper.’

‘Thank you. I found myself changing the tiniest of things about one hundred times.’

‘Well whatever you’re doing it is definitely working for you.’


‘I better get going,’ I chime in return gesturing towards the awaiting barista from behind the counter.

‘Right, I’ll see you tomorrow in class.’

‘Okay. Enjoy your day.’ I walk into Glamour and wave to Tiffany’s temp Charlie who sat at the desk waiting for the phone to ring as if it were a competition. Charlie was the incredibly nice, only spoke when spoken to, is there anything else I can do for you type temp. She didn’t ask questions and she followed all the rules. I hadn’t had the opportunity to actually sit down and talk to her but from the small words we did exchange she was harmless. She wasn’t the type to leave some lasting impression and I think that she was okay with that. Her black glasses were quite sophisticated and her clothes always matched perfectly. It was weird not seeing Tiffany perched highly in her seat filing her nails or secretly sneaking onto her Facebook.

‘Charlie, would you like to get lunch today?’ I backtrack to lean against the tall, wooden desk.

‘I would love to but my fiancé is taking me out, we definitely should get something to eat tomorrow.’

‘That sounds great, I’ll see you later.’

I drop my things on the floor near my ankles and immediately get to work with today’s duties. After my meeting with Jackie and the other staff members Charlie calls me out to the front of the building.

‘There is someone downstairs for you. I believe it’s your father, brother, and mother. Would you like me to send them up and into your office?’

My stomach drops instantly remembering that I never sent my brother a text back about my mom being released. With the hectic weekend I had I forgot about her release today.

‘Send them up please.’ I call back going to put my papers into my desk drawer. Here goes nothing.
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hiii i hope that you enjoyed chapter 90! come back on sunday to see what happens next!!