The Rhine River Jewel

Prologe : the Rhine River Jewel

"Vera I," Sephiroth said trying to get his two Gelds in.
"No!" Vera shrieked as she tried to suppress a mental breakdown. “I thought you said we should run away together! That we would leave this place! No more fighting! Only peace and our love! And what do you tell me on the night we're supposed to leave?! You tell me you can't go!"

"VERA!" Sephiroth's booming voice shook the trees. "I very dearly love you and if you can't see that that is the reason I am leaving, you will never find happiness!" his silver eyes starting to wet as he lost his composure. His long flame-colored hair danced in the wind behind him as he turned abruptly away and held his head high as he descended into the forest. He mustn't cry until he was far enough away.

Vera shook as the plum trees around her gleamed in the moonlight. She had left a note for her fiance`e so he would know why she left.Her tears whipped away by the wind as she ran down the hill through the village and to her house.

Sephiroth had run just about fifty miles in the time it took Vera to get to the village."Damn you Leon!" he shouted looking up at heaven. He pulled his sword out of his sheath and started crying. The tears sleeked his face as he proceeded cutting down all the trees around him with one stroke each. Sephiroth left the area the next morning at dawn.

As Vera got to her house, she went to her room her fiance`e, Leon, and her were sharing. Everything but her stand which held her wedding dress was turned up. There was ashes were the note had been on the stand. She really only carried about who saw the note as to the room and Leon suddenly disappearing. As he had been an engagement without love and trust. When she took her wedding dress out, she burnt it. She burnt it for her hatred of Sephiroth and because she believed she would never find happiness as he had said, thus she wouldn't need it.

Three years later she had another engagement without love, but she finally had the one thing she wanted from a man, trust. While giving birth to the heir of her family, she knew that her boy would be healthy if she died and she would be healthy if he died. She wanted to die for her son. She had always told herself if she were able and was on her deathbed, she would break the Rhine jewel she and her many ancestors had protected for hundreds of years. She had protected it for two years with Sephiroth and she believed that had tainted it. When she died she had been twenty-five; just given birth to her healthy son; and shattered the Rhine jewel. She had told her husband to protect the shards with his life. She also gave him important instructions; when their son got married take half of the shards and wash them down two rivers and three oceans; a quarter of them, tie them in a badly ripped bag around a pidgin’s ankle; and all but the last shard, to throw them in the Holt volcano. “Save the last shard for me,” she told her husband."Build my tomb containing my ashes outside. Burn the last shard with my body. I will have a reincarnation that will have the shard in her right eye. She will be the very best demon hunter in history. When she comes about tell her to search for the jewels as she will be able to sense them. Lastly have her hunt sown the half-demon.” She died before she could finish her last request, but her husband fulfilled the rest of her wishes and wrote everything down on his scrolls.

One-hundred years later, young women started looking for the lost Rhine shards as she had been told to do so in the scrolls. During her travels she would meet a half-demon. She was to slay him. Never would she know she would fall in love with him, or that her great-great-grandmother had too.
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Just saying my chapters are really short because I simply can't right long stories.
P.S. I have changed it up a bit for those who have read it, I am sorry but it had to be done or else I would have confused you{and me} in a later chapter. I have also made minor changes in Chapter One, just so you know. :)