The Rhine River Jewel

Chapter One : the Rhine River Jewel

“Eve! There’s another call!”PaPa yelled into my room from the outside, on his horse.
“Coming PaPa!” I yelled back to him. I threw on my fighting gear and grabbed my bow.”PaPa! Where’s Laby?”
“Labyrinth is coming with us. This is her first outing!” Papa said as he rode to get Laby.
I wonder what it is this time. I thought as I usually did as I jumped on my horse in the stables. I run and catch up to my sister.”Laby! Slow down!” I yelled to her while motioning with my hand that I wanted her to come to me. She slowed down. “Did you pack your arrows?” I asked her because she forgot while practicing last time to repack her bag on her horse.
“Yes Evie! Do know what the demon is this time?!” she says going off topic, “Is it a snake-demon like last time? Or a rabid dog-demon?! I am going to go ask father! She says starting to ride faster.
I almost fell off of Jolt. My mother died by rabid dogs, protecting me. The day I was born a pack attacked us. They killed all of the maids while eating their bowels. Mother killed the last one as soon as PaPa got there. She died in his arms from her wounds. Laby is my half-sister and the daughter of Blue, PaPa’s new wife. Laby is ten and this is her first official outing.

“Laby! I think it’s a weasel-demon! That’s what Emerald and Sheik told me!” As if the mention of his name, my fiance appears beside me. “Yes my delicious red apple? You called?”
I pushed him away because he was whispering in my ear and starting to get Jolt upset from him leaning over her. “Seriously Sheik? We aren’t even engaged!”
“Yes we are! Have been since you were five!”
“Technically! But I am not in love with!” I get cut off when Jolt almost knocked me off of her. I see the demon. “I was right Laby! It’s a weasel!” I took an arrow out of my bag on Jolt and cocked it up. The weasel was about two stories, had a cow in his right hand and a small child in the other. Wait! There’s a shard! I feel a shard!
“Don’t hit the head! It has a shard! PaPa! Get the left arm! Sheik go under the arm and get the boy when he falls! Laby,” I pause giving orders as that is my job. I waited for the right time to tell her what to do. PaPa ran toward the demon standing on Cowl, his horse. There were three of our men under with Sheik to catch the arm. “Laby! Shoot the neck so it looks at us! As soon as PaPa is five feet away!” We watched. “NOW!” Lacy sends a perfect arrow and hits the neck as PaPa cuts off its arm and he and our men wrestle the still moving arm to the ground. The boy lands perfectly in Sheik’s arms and Sheik ran off to the safe house that the wounded go to if they get hurt by the demons that attack our villages.
Laby shot another arrow into the beast as his attention was going toward Sheik and the boy. “Good aim Laby!”
“Your turn Evie!” Laby calls to me as she backs her horse up behind me.
The forehead! Hit the forehead! I aimed and shot right under the shard so it would come out without breaking anymore than it already was.
The arrow hit the target and the shard popped out, and flew straight at me. Then it all went BLACK.