Incestual Orgies and Other Fond Memories

Tickle Fights and Table Sex

It starts on a too hot day in the middle of summer. They’re hanging out, complaining about the heat, and occasionally shoving each other off Alex’s double bed.

A cigarette hangs from Alex’s lips as he and Zack lazily pass it back and forth, pausing sporadically to blow puffs at smoke in Rians face when he bitches at them for smoking indoors.

Despite the intense heat, the four of them are piled all over each other, challenging the extra warmth by stripping to their underwear. Jack’s practically asleep, eyes half closed and an arm flung across Alex’s chest with his head curled into Zack’s collarbone. He’s oblivious to the burning cigarette being passed dangerously over his bare chest, or to the flecks off ash now decorating his dark hair.

Rian starts to cough; fake and obnoxious in a light-hearted attempt to wind Alex up. It works, but Rian comes off worse as Alex rewards him with a sharp kick to the thigh, pushing him further to the bottom of the bed and earning a yelp of shock from the older boy.

The noise wakes Jack who rolls over onto his face, burying his face in Zack and emitting a low moan of irritation. The others laugh and Alex just smiles lazily and flicks more ash into his best friends hair.

Pinching the cigarette to stub it out, Alex rearranges his sweaty body to lean back in a position he hopes might be cooler.

It’s not.

Footsteps echo on the stairs and he panics for a second, shrugging before shoving the extinguished cigarette into his mouth, grimacing as he does so.

Rian’s utter look of repulsion is priceless.

Alex’s mum enters the room, suspicion plastering her features as she slowly runs her gaze over each boy.

“I thought I smelt smoke.”

Alex just smiles innocently, inconspicuously ruffling Jack’s hair to scatter the obvious specks of incriminating ash.

Her features remain set in mistrusting doubt but she leaves with the loving parting words of “put some clothes on.”

Like always, they ignore her. As the door closes, Alex sits straight up, spitting out the now soggy cigarette butt into Rian’s lap.

Rian yelps for the second time in five minutes whilst Zack laughs wildly at Alex who’s now scraping his nails over his tongue in a vain attempt to scratch away the vile taste.

“I can’t believe you just did that.” Says Rian, his tone conveying his utter disgust and amazement.

“I’ve had worse in my mouth.” Alex replies easily with a wink. At Rians weak response of “I’m sure you have”, Alex just shrugs.

“What, I’m talking about that time you dared me to eat ketchup mixed with coco powder and vanilla essence. Why, what were you thinking of?”

Again comes the innocent grin. Unlike Alex’s parents however, Rian knows him only too well and let’s Alex know this by pelting him repeatedly with pillows.

He relents after a couple of minutes, giving the excuse of “my arms are tired”. At Zack’s offer to take over, Alex squeals and drags a half asleep Jack into something resembling a sitting position for ‘protection’.

Jack swats mildly at him and mumbles something unintelligible.

“Dammit you uncaring sod, I do everything for you. I drive you places and I even cook. And what’s my reward? Utter abandonment when I need you to do the small favour of become my human shield.”

“You only ever drove me once until that time you crashed your parent’s car into the mailbox and you got your driving privileges suspended for the foreseeable future. And I was in the car at the time. And the last time I asked you to cook for me you told me that the only way I could get you in the kitchen was by promising table sex. Which, incidentally, never happened, because Zack came home early and freaked out and we had to buy him gummy bears not to tell Rian.”

“You guys had sex… on our apartment table… as in the one we eat from!?”

“No, weren’t you listening? We almost had sex. Zack stopped us.”

“And wasn’t that a lucky day for me.” Zack chipped in dryly.

“Shut it Ketchup, you got gummy bears out of it.”

Rian looks pained. Alex treats him to another “innocent” smile, wide eyed and blameless.

“In our defence…” Jack begins. “We would have wiped it down afterwards.”

“No we wouldn’t have.” Mutters Alex, dodging Rian’s swipe and dragging Jack, also now known as Human Shield, between him and his attacker.

Jack squirms, wiggling out of Alex’s grip to sit on Zack and rebury his face in the elder’s neck. There’s a heavy thud as Rian meets the floor but thankfully his obscene language is masked by Alex’s loud cackling.

Zack pauses his rhythmic petting of Jack’s hair to flick Alex’s temple as Rian scrambles back onto the pile of bodies, armed with a stray textbook to use as a weapon.

Wacking Zack lightly on the head with it, Rian complains “You didn’t even share those gummy bears with me. Honestly, considering what I have to put up with unknowingly, it’s the least you could’ve done.”

A scrambling tickle fight ensues, breaking up only when Alex’s mother re-enters the room, begging them to please put some clothes on because she’s having guests over and despite their general liberalism, discovering four very nearly naked teenage boys clambering over one another and wandering around the house might cause some concern.

Zack and Rian comply grudging but the second the bedroom door is closed again, Alex takes the opportunity to remove his boxers in silent defiance. This political stance however, is robbed of its dignity when Rian shoves a pillowcase over his head and shoves the now blind and naked Alex onto the floor.

“This is the closest I’ll ever get to an orgy.” Muses Zack regretfully. “And sadly, it has to happen with you ugly lot.”
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So I thought I'd start something new because apparently I'm incapable of finishing anything. I hope you like it so please comment and give me feedback? ^-^