Incestual Orgies and Other Fond Memories

Blanket Forts And Bad Tv

They’d been living together for a month or so- although it felt like forever- when Zack arrived.

It was evening and the boys were watching shitty tv and, in Alex and Rian’s case, not doing coursework. Their relaxed sleepiness was interrupted by knocking on the door as Jack sat straight up (the most movement he’d attempted in several hours) and announced happily, “Pizza’s here.”

Alex just shot him a look. “Does this mean you’re going to move?”

“Nope.” He replied, lying back down in his original position. “Just thought I’d let you know.”

“I’ll go.” Said Rian. “But you two fuckers are paying this time.”

When Rian opened the door Zack barged straight in, carrying a backpack and with a worrying scowl on his face. His dramatic entrance was diminished slightly by Jack’s dismal greeting of “You’re not pizza.”

“And here’s me thinking I was. That’s my perceived existence ruined.”

“You know not to use big words around me. They’re wasted on anyone who spends at least 16 hours a day watching reality tv.”

As he spoke, Jack’s eyes never left the screen and Alex felt it was time to cut in before the apartment turned into a host for yet another debate of why the Kardashian show was educational.

“Are you okay Zack? Why are you here? Not that we don’t love having you over to generally abuse or force to clean up after us, but it’s unexpected.”

“Another fight.” Zack replied blankly. “This time it was worse than usual. I can’t stand it anymore. So I’m staying here, if that’s okay.”

“Of course it is.” Rian assured.

“You can share mine and Alex’s bed.” Said Jack contentedly.

That was the end of the discussion. The boys knew better than to pry and ask irrelevant questions. All that mattered was that Zack was here and he needed them.

“There’s no fucking room in my bed. You’ll have to cuddle up with Rian, I’m sure he won’t mind. You’re like a human sized teddy bear and at least you don’t have cold feet.” Stated Alex

“I do not have cold feet! You just have absurdly warm legs. They’re the perfect hot water bottle- it’s probably to do with how hairy they are, it’s insulating. How is that my fault? Have a fucking shave or quit complaining.”

The conversation diverged into an argument over who was going to be forced to share a bed with Jack as Zack dropped his bag and settled on the sofa Jack was currently taking up. Without question, Jack immediately moved over to hug Zack and rest his body against him as a way of offering non-verbal comfort.

By the time whatever shitty program Jack had coerced them into watching was over, said boy was fast asleep curled up against Zack.

“Leave him there.” Alex said quickly as Zack made a move to pick him up. “Maybe for once I won’t have to wrestle the duvet off him at 1am.”

(Despite Alex’s constant protests that Jack was a blanket-stealing, warmth-leeching wankbucket, Jack was actually pretty well behaved about splitting the covers equally. He just unconsciously seeked out the warm spots which meant curling around Alex usually. Honestly, Alex was the one taking all the blankets; wrapping them around himself in a burrito of cosiness and forcing Jack to either freeze or steal them back.)

“Speaking of duvets- where are we all going to sleep?” Asked Rian.

“I don’t even want to think about it, the math will do my head in.” groaned Alex, shoving his face into Zack’s shoulder with frustration.

Jack stirred and opened his eyes, squinting in the light. “Wass wrong?” he slurred, yawning as he did so.

“Deciding where we’re all going to sleep.”

At that response, Jack was instantly awake, sitting up and nearly whacking Zack in the face with his enthusiasm. “Let’s build a fort!”

“No.” Alex said firmly. “Just…no.”

“That’s not a bad idea actually.” Rian mused, ignoring Alex’s incredulous looks. “If we pushed the beds together… it wouldn’t be perfect but it’d do for now.”

Half an hour later they’d done just that and Jack was contentedly spread eagled in the centre.

“Considering he’s the smallest, he takes up a hell of a lot of room.” Considered Rian thoughtfully.

“That’s because he needs the most room for his ego.” Replied Zack, replacing his jeans with borrowed sweatpants and stripping off his t-shirt before climbing into the bed next to Jack, making sure to give said boy a gentle shove over onto what was once Alex’s side.

“Just for tonight.” Muttered Alex, as if convincing himself.

Despite his firm words, the beds remained like that for at least another four months.


Jack and Alex had always been close; that was undeniable. All four of them were practically inseparable but for some reason, those two had something special, a deeper bond that allowed them to connect on a level Zack and Rian couldn’t quite reach. They got close on occasion, those late night summer sleepovers where they were all a little stoned and tiredness was on the verge of taking over.

Exhaustion makes you honest, opens up a little more of you and those times were no exception. Moments like those were when each of them could simply take a step back and really appreciate the connections between them.

Rather than feeling left out by Jack and Alex’s closeness, the other two accepted it without frustration. It was purely just acknowledged as one of those things that would never change. Jealousy never entered the equation. Rian found it endearing. Zack, not so much, but he never let it hurt him. He knew that they were all as close as possible- this extra link between those two was undetectable to
the outside world and only just noticeable to the four of them.

It was Halloween when everything started to tilt upside down.