Incestual Orgies and Other Fond Memories

Cold Coffee And Cornea Bleach

The aftermath of the party is slightly terrifying to face. Alex woke before Jack and stumbled to the kitchen after gently untangling himself from the mess of limbs and blankets, being careful not to disturb the younger boy.

Heading straight towards the coffee maker, he’s careful not to tread on Rian who’s lying sprawled across the floor, half in the bathroom and half taking up the hall.
He gets enough coffee ready for everyone but Jack who refuses to touch the stuff and goes to visit poor Matt.

Before he could even pick up the mug (the Disney one- Matt’s obsessed), said boy emerged from the bathroom.

“I fell asleep on that floor. Also, I hate you for leaving me to deal with them but I see you’ve made me coffee so that feeling is lessening.”

“I can tell. Is that one of Jack's pubes on your face? You look more hungover than all of us put together. Are you sure you weren’t drinking last night?”

Matt scowled and replied sarcastically, “Yep. That’s it. I look like shit because I’m a secret alcoholic- nothing to do with the fact you fuckers left me to stay up til 4am making sure Rian and Vinny didn’t choke on their own vomit.”

“And what a fine job you did.” Groaned Rian, staggering over to where they stood. “Although I’m kinda wishing you hadn’t bothered because I feel like hell.”

He grabbed Matt’s mug and took a huge swig of coffee before sinking down to sit on the floor, the effort of standing clearly being too much.

“I’m starting to wish that too.” Glared Matt, as he eyed what was left of his coffee.

“I’m gonna… erm… go wake Jack up.” Alex muttered.

“Good luck with that. If he rips your head off in a fit of early morning rage, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

After that caution, Alex entered their room slightly warily. Luckily though, Jack stirred at the noise of the door shutting so Alex didn’t have to actually physically wake him up and risk decapitation.

“Hi.” The younger boy greeted, blinking sleep out of his eyes and squinting at the light.

Alex didn’t think he’d ever been lost for words in front of his best friend before. Usually they could keep conversation up for hours without even a pause. Not exactly intellectually stimulating conversation, granted, but conversation nonetheless.

Besides; did Jack even remember the night before? He had initiated it… but then again, he’d also confessed he was stupid and drunk. Though, Jack’s two main states of being were drunk and stupid so maybe there was more chance at recall than expected from a regular person.

The awkward silence was broken by Jack.

“So…about last night.”

“Yeah. Um. What do you want to do about it?”

“Well there isn’t much we can do about it now, is there?” laughed Jack. “But if you’re asking what I want to do now, the answer would be I’d like to do it again. Very quite a lot really.”

“Your grammar is atrocious.” replied Alex, fake mournfully, before climbing back into bed and diving in for a kiss, coffee forgotten and left to go cold.


That was the start of their relationship. Many minutes in between make-out sessions were spent debating over how to break the news to their friends.

The dilemma was solved by poor unsuspecting Matt wandering in to their room one morning.

Although in the few weeks he’d spent at their apartment he’d got used to the general nakedness of Jack and Alex, he wasn’t prepared to see said half-naked boys on top of each other, making out.

Being the caring and respectful friend he was, Matt immediately ran shrieking from the room.

From the bedroom, Jack and Alex could clearly hear screams of, “Eye bleach. Where is it. I need to get that out of my head oh my god, please, just pour Dettol in my eyes.”, echoing from the living

“So I guess that means we don’t have to announce it over the dinner table like we were planning then?” said Alex, shrugging.

“If we’d have done that, they wouldn’t have found out for several years. When was the last time we ever used that table, much less had “dinner” around it? Bloody thing just takes up valuable space. We could have a football table there. Or a pyramid of empty beer cans. Or-”

Alex figured they’d got side-tracked and silenced Jack with a kiss before continuing.

“Point being, they know now. No more having to secretly hide this anymore.”

Jack had just opened his mouth to reply (probably something sarcastic and unnecessary) when Rian and Zack burst in.

“Is what Matt’s begging for eyeball bleach about true? Are you really making babies in our bed- our shared bed may I remind you.”

“Of course not,” Jack replied innocently. “If we were making babies, we’d be using the sofa. We’re not entirely inconsiderate you know.”

“Can we please all stop using the phrase “making babies”?” Begged Zack. “And just tell us why poor Matt’s out there trying to rinse his corneas with peroxide.”

A sheepish Alex responded. “He saw us kissing. It’s been going on since that Halloween party last month. And don’t worry, we haven’t done anything apart from lip action in this bed.”

Zack winced. “First baby-making, now lip-action? Can’t you lot use normal non-humiliating language?”

Rian looked hurt. Since the second Alex had confirmed it, his shoulders had dropped and his face looked pained.

“We’re supposed to be your best friends, Zack and me. Why wouldn’t you tell us straight away? We would’ve told you. We do tell you. I told you about that girl I hooked up with at that party, even though she told me she wouldn’t have sex with me until marriage. I even told you how I fake-engaged her with a key-ring so she’d wank me off.”

“Yeah, thanks so much for telling us that.” cut in Jack sarcastically.

“The point is, I did tell you.” retorted Rian angrily. “Because we’re meant to tell each other everything. I guess you just didn’t trust us enough though. Come on Zack.”

And with that last biting remark, he turned and strode out of the door furiously, dragging a helpless Zack with him.

The dramatic effect was tarnished slightly by him walking into the door frame and swearing loudly on his way out.
♠ ♠ ♠
~oooooh~~~ angry Rian o.O