Status: Work in progress!!



I glanced over at the familiar face for the second time tonight. He was with a couple of friends. They looked just like the type of people he would hang out with. Tattoos, piercings, long hair. Apart of me hoped he would notice me, and another part of me wanted to scream so loud that my lungs would burst.
I haven’t seen him since the incident. I hadn’t realized it until now but, I never quite got over him. The memories of him were still in the back of my brain, pounding at my thoughts like someone trying to get your attention even though you’re mid-conversation.
I jumped as someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see a man who looked to be in his mid-twenties.
“Sorry to bother you but, I was wondering if I could buy you a drink. You looked lonely and someone as fine as you should never be lonely.” He said, flashing me one of those million-dollar smiles.
“Sorry to disappoint you but, I don’t do the whole “Buy her a drink and then fuck her at some cheap motel” thing.” I said smiling back at him.
“Listen, Lady. I did not come over here to be rejected. I’m buying you a drink whether you like it or not.” He said. He called over to the bartender and ordered a margarita. The bartender gave him the drink. “Here” he said as he placed the drink in my hand.
“I said I didn’t want a drink” I advised. I then proceeded to pour the drink all over his gel-drenched hair. He let out a shriek. I didn’t really think this through because the whole bar looked over at us, including him.
He looked at me and his face filled with a look of utter shock. I grabbed my purse and ran out the door. I heard someone running after me and I prayed to god that it wasn’t him and maybe it was hair-gel guy. Being attacked by hair-gel guy would be so much better than having any kind of confrontation with him.
I didn’t dare look behind me and as I finally made it outside, I started down the street hoping that if I kept walking, he would just give up and stop following after me. To make sure I had no contact with him, I walked all the way home. I walked into my apartment and looked around at the mess. I never had time to clean it because I was either working so I could actually afford food, or I was at the bar drinking until I was numb.
Being numb is a good thing. It makes everything neutral. You can’t be happy, you can’t be sad. And that’s just the way I like it. Neutral.
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I don't know if I'll continue this.... leave e a comment if you wanna see more.
xoxo, Mckenna.