False Reality


"Alright, what the hell is going on?!" Lexi demanded, ripping the earbud out of my ear.

I looked up at her from my journal, kind of annoyed that I had been interrupted for the third time in the hour alone. I got even more upset when I realized my work was sitting there open, and she could have easily read it. I closed it hurriedly, sighing when she threw herself on my bed.

"Okay, what is wrong with you? You come in here, acting all weird, in--."

"What. Is. Going. On?!" She repeated, gesturing towards the book in my hands.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I muttered, looking at the floor of my room to avoid her gaze.

"Yes, you do, bitch. And you're going to tell me."

I sighed again, looking at my best friend. "Before I tell you, I really didn't mean for it to go this far. I really didn't."


"So it started like this..."
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