Turn to Black / Beware of the Dog

Chapter 3

The next morning I watched Sirius, James, Remus and Peter at breakfast. They were happy and joking around again, I guess I had been expecting to see James and Sirius not talking but they had their arms around each other laughing, James shouting something to Lily as she walks by… just as usual.
Later that day we had a match with Ravenclaw, in the afternoon. The weather was windy and a little rainy so we had our goggles on. I took a deep breath as we stepped into the field; we had been practicing for this match for so long. The crowd cheered, my grip on my broom and bat tightened and my lips curled into a smile. “You ready?” asked Sirius, pulling my pony tail as he walked past me onto the field with James by his side. We stayed back with the other team members while our team captain shook hands with Ravenclaw’s team captain. Soon, the match had begun. I pushed myself up and there I was, up in the air! I watched the golden snitch fly past me, the two seekers including James racing after it. “There’s our bludger!” I heard Sirius shout and there it was. Hitting it, chasing it, time was passing quickly in the air. We were the best beaters in any Hogwarts team I was sure of that, I could hear the announcer Christopher; we were even with the Ravenclaw’s now. In a few minutes, we would win. Just one more score. But you see, Ravenclaw’s are fair Quidditch players. I get along with many of them but I don’t get along with Ofelia Chapkins very well. She, being the beater of her team, is quite annoying. For some reason, we never got along. That day, it was almost too late when I saw her hitting the bludger, I tried to save my skull being shattered by turning but panicking , I made my broom made a complete turn and all the colours and cheers mixed up; there I was heading towards the ground. “Daphne is going down now, woah!” I heard Christopher say and I came back to my senses. “Come... on!” I murmured and pulled my broom up, the wind hit my face hard, the rain was pouring now. I quickly cleaned the rain on my googles with my sleeve. Finally up in the air again, I could properly listen to Christopher say; “Well it looks like Sirius Black is dealing with Ofelia, THERE GOES THE BLUDGER, WATCH OUT OFELIA WATCH OUT!”
Sirius was roaring with laughter up in the air, his wet hair all over his face as Ofelia tried to hit the bludger without getting hit herself. Then suddenly, the bludger came back. As I mentioned, the Ravenclaw’s are good players. I didn’t stop for a second in the air when I saw the bludger hit Sirius in the stomach. Everything else blurred out, I could hear Christopher, “Black gets hit by the bludger Chapkins just sent that must’ve hurt- GRYFFINDOR! GRYFFINDOR SCORES ONCE MORE, GYRFFINDOR HAS WON THIS MATCH LADIES AND GENTLEMAN! 10 POINTS AHEAD!” We had won, I should’ve been catching up with my team mates and celebrating with them up in the air but instead I flew straight down with Sirius. I pulled off my googles from my face and jumped off my broom. “Sirius!” I shouted and pushed away the wet hair from his face. He opened his eyes slowly and moaned in agony. I pulled my wand out of the inside pocket of my robe with trembling hands but before I did anything, two teachers pushed me away to take care of him. I sat down on the wet field and watched as he got carried to the hospital wing. “Come on!” It was James, he grabbed me by the arm and I grabbed my broom from the ground. We followed the teachers up the hospital wing, leaving the cheering crowd behind us. The other team members followed us.
Finally when the nurse was done with him and I joined James and the other team members. A couple of other people were there to congratulate us; they had brought chocolate frogs and every flavour beans. Alice came running to me and threw her arms around my neck. “I thought you would hit the ground! You guys were great though!” she said excitedly.
“Did you see that Morgan’s face when we scored? He was going to cry! Like a little baby!” “You were great James!” “Sirius, we’ll get that Ofelia girl for this, here have a frog!” “You got away from that bludger pretty fast Daph!” “For a moment I thought you would hit the field girl!” We laughed and chatted loudly until the nurse chased us out. I was just heading down to the common room for more celebration with the others when the nurse all of a sudden, stopped me. “The boy wants to talk to you.” She said with a cold expression. Sirius, he wants to talk to me. My heart starting to beat faster instantly, I walked back to Sirius’s bed and sat down by the side of it.
“You were very worried back at the field, weren’t you?” he said teasingly. I smiled and felt myself blushing. “You know you looked pretty bad, how else would I look?” I said. He laughed then coughed a couple of times. “Ugh… I will get Ofelia for this, that’s for sure. Still, I got your revenge!” we laughed but again he held his stomach in pain. “That bloody bludger!”
“No swearing in the hospital wing Mr. Black! And girl, you go and join your friends now, the boy should rest a few hours before joining his friends!” called out the nurse from across the room, “She is right, you should rest now.” I said but just when I was going to get up and leave he took my hand and pulled me closer to his face. “Meet me tonight in the common room, at midnight.” he whispered to my ear. My heart pounded so hard through my chest and the heat of his breath made butterflies-wait not butterflies- hippogriffs fly in my stomach. He left my hand and I slowly stood up. “Yeah, alright, yeah.” I said and smiled. “I haven’t forgotten about it.” I was confused and still hearing the pounding of my heart more than his voice, “Our lesson, Daphne...” he said and his face lit up with a beautiful smile. Before walking towards the exit, I grabbed my broom and bit my lip, trying to bring my mind back from wherever it had left. Our lesson. Animagus. “Yeah, I haven’t forgotten about it, I’ll see you later then.” He smiled and closed his eyes, for a moment I kept my eyes on his face, finally resting and happy and oh so charming… and then left the hospital wing to join the celebrations down at the common room.