The Opportunity Has Just Begun

I Missed My Russian Center

I knew Geno had been having a hard time with everyone being away while he was out and he was dying to get back on the ice so when he walked into practice with a huge smile on his face we knew there was a chance at good news.

“Are you playing tomorrow?” I asked as he sat down in his stall a few spots down.
“Not yet, but get to practice,” he beamed as Nealsy sat down next to him congratulating him with a slap on the back.

To be honest I had kind of missed playing along side Geno. Even though we didn't always get along nine times out of ten everything still managed to work itself out on the ice. He had been my center from the moment I started with the Penguins and playing without him had been hard. Suttsy had tried his hardest to fill the void but they were big shoes to fill.

We stepped onto the ice and Geno was right there being his usual pesky self.

“Cam,” he towed over me with a huge smile on his face.
“Hello,” I smiled back up at him.
“How you?” he bumped me with his elbow.
“I am good, you?
“Good now get to skate.”
“How is things with Oksana?”
“Mmm,” he shrugged, “we ok.”
“Good, well I hope it gets better,” I tapped his leg with my stick.

I still wasn't sure as to whether I should help him out but after Adam's little pep talk I was ok with stepping back. It was true it was there life, there relationship and if Oksana had any morals left she would tell him. Which I am sure the guilt was sure to set in soon, that I could guarantee.

“Hey Cam, you want to come out for lunch?” James spoke up as we sat down relaxing in our stalls while we waited for the update on Geno.
“Umm nah I have some things I had to do.”
“Come on you can't possibly be that busy you miss out on lunch,” Brandon chimed in.
“Well I am, it's business.”
“Really? Adam,” Brandon turned to James and they both laughed knowing it would bug me.
“No,” I defended, “Sid and I have a meeting.”
“Code for Adam,” he jabbed again.
“You suck,” I tossed a toll of my stick tape at him, “how did you guys even find out?”
“It's kind of obvious... and Sid told us,” he pointed to the guilty captain sitting next to me.
“What?” he laughed as I swung a hand at him, “they asked?”
“So you told them?”
“Kind of.”
“You are a terrible person... in that case tell them we are busy.”
“Guys we are busy,” he looked down, “but she will probably spend all her time on Skype talking to him.”
“Sid! Your an ass too.”
“No Sid just has a big ass,” Nealsy corrected and everyone laughed.

“Oh Hey G, how do it go?” I stopped all the commotion the moment he walked back in.
“Good,” he nodded before a huge smile cracked onto his face, “I play tomorrow.”
“Told you,” I leaped up and gave him a hug.

I had spent most of the road trip trying to convince Geno he would be ok and that the concussion would be fine. I was right, Geno was too strong for something to ever get him down. He always bounced back. Which was almost why I was feeling a little better about the Oksana thing, in the end I knew he would be ok.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright guys I am sorry for the such short chapters, I am having trouble writing at the moment and I can't bring myself to skip too much. But I think the next few chapters are going to be about Cam developing herself if I keep on track. Let me know what you think.

Also you guys should go and check out this one shot I wrote for a contest