The Opportunity Has Just Begun

Is There Something Wrong With Me?

“Cammy, time to wake up,” I heard Megan's sing song voice as she pulled the curtains back and light shone through.
“No, I want sleep in,” I rolled over and pulled the blankets with me.
“Nope, wake up some of the guys voted Sid in for breakfast so you have to help,” she grabbed the blankets and ripped them off of the bed leaving me freezing to the morning cold.
“Megan,” I groaned trying to reach around and find Geno in hope that he could keep me warm but there was no one to grab a hold of.

“Where's Geno?” I sat up feeling my morning bed hair fall all around my face.
“He stayed the night?” she frowned chucking my blanket back, “well you minx.”
“Nothing happened,” I rubbed my face and climbed out of bed feeling a little like I had been shot in the foot.
“Yeah well you two left the club together pretty early,” she eyed me up and down as I put on jumper.
“Because I didn't want to be there anymore and he suggested going home to watch a movie.”
“Yeah right, watch a movie,” she mocked me as I pegged a pillow her way.
“We didn't do anything!” I argued.
“What movie did you watch then?”
“We didn't watch a movie, we laid in bed and talked.”
“Not much,” I shrugged as I picked up my phone and began to walk out the door, “I kind of told him I liked him.”
“Kind of!” she chased after me, “you either told him or you didn't.”
“I told him,” I admitted, “now can we just not talk about this.”

I got downstairs with Megan still lingering nearby like I was a fragile doll.
“Can't you look after Sid?” I pointed to the hungover captain who was supposed be starting to cook breakfast.
“Just don't think too much about it ok?” she rubbed my back lightly before getting on with the cooking.

I guess this really was the kind of thing I was worried about happening all along, that I would put myself out there somehow and get shut down. I was probably just overreacting but I wasn't exactly the most confident person.

I went into the lounge room, pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and curled up while I watched reruns of Friends on television.

It wasn't much longer before a small group of the guys had arrived, hungover and extremely hungry.

“Does anyone know where Geno is?” I heard them in the kitchen talking.
“I rang him to see if he was coming for breakfast,” James spoke up, “but he said he was busy.”
“Doing what?” Megan scoffed.
“He didn't say.”

Busy? What could he possibly be doing right now? We all had the day off and everyone agreed to doing nothing together.

“Hey Cammy, how are you doing?” Megan walked in with some toast and a hot drink in hand and placed it on the coffee table in front of me before taking a seat on the floor.
“Do you think I scared him off?” I didn't even bother to move.
“Why would you think that?” she frowned.
“I dumped my feelings on him and now he is gone.”
“No, don't be silly. What did you say to him?”
“I told him I liked him and that I didn't want to do something with that I could regret because I cared too much.”
“And what did he say?”
“That he liked me too and that sometimes he has trouble showing but he would try.”
“Well maybe he is having trouble right now.”
“Megan only one night stand kind of people leave before you wake up.”
“Well maybe you just have to give him the benefit of the doubt.”
“Yeah I know but I still feel kind of let down.”
“It's alright, I am sure he didn't mean it. Just give him some time to figure out how he really feels and I am sure he will come back. I know he likes you, just don't give up hope.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” I sighed but I didn't want to think about it anymore.

Geno was a grown man and he could make his own decisions, if he liked me he would let me know and if he didn't we would be spending the last bit of these playoffs silently hating each other. Well I would be hating him for letting me think it could be.
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Alright now you guys should know I don't happy easily in my stories because it never goes that way in real life. But don't worry Geno will get sorted out shortly.