The Opportunity Has Just Begun

He Always Means Well

“You know what sucks!” I yelled over the music to Suttsy.
“What?!” he danced just a little bit closer.
“We could have been having a party just like this but with a cup, the Stanley friggin cup!” I pushed him back in a mini fit of anger.
“My wounds, they are too fresh,” he put his hand on his heart and looked hurt before we both broke out in laughter.

“Let's get another drink,” I announced showing him my empty bottle of beer.
“Sounds good,” he tipped back the rest of his and followed me into the kitchen.

Somehow the guys had convinced Geno to have a party at his place even after the way we went out they wanted to celebrate the season and celebrate that we got to actually have a hockey season this year.

I couldn't help but want to drown dumb feelings I had stirring inside me with cheap beer because somehow it always made things better. So I was all for this party.

“Do you want to go back into the lounge room? Or outside?” I looked between the two options and waited for Brandon to decide for us.
He peered over my shoulder and quickly grabbed my arm saying outside would be better.
“Sid's out here, we can bug him.”
“We can't cock block the captain,” I frowned when I saw Sid and Megan snuggled up on the porch swing.
“Why not? It's our job as his team to make his life suck.”

“Hey guys,” Sid chuckled as I almost went head over heels on the decking.
“Hi,” I straightened myself up and kept my balance holding tightly onto Brandon's elbow.

“Where's Geno?” Megan frowned.
“He was inside last I saw, maybe I should go find him,” I went to pull away but was stopped again by Brandon's grasp.
“No I will go find him, you might fall over again,” he propped me up against the railing and made sure I was steady before sneaking off.

“Come sit down,” Sid moved over so I could sit without falling.
I wobbled on my heels and grasped for his hands before landing safely on the cushion next to them.
“I need to not drink anymore,” I admitted slipping my heels off before I killed myself.
“Yeah that might be smart,” Sid slapped my knee.

I found myself sobering up pretty quickly, the fresh air was doing me some good and the alcohol was wearing off faster than I thought it would. Would it be mean to call Sid a buzz kill? Because his presence sure felt like it.

My phone buzzed in the pocket of my jacket and when I pulled it out I didn't expect to see my dad's face on the screen.
I answered quickly and stood up careful not to fall flat on my face, “hey dad.”
“Hey sweetheart, how are you?”
“I am good.”
“Touch loss huh? But you played great.”
“Thanks, yeah it was tough but we are drowning our sorrows in liquid courage.”
“Good job,” he chuckled.
“If you give me a second I am just going to go upstairs, it's quieter up there.”

I kept my phone tightly in my grasp and darted through the kitchen, into the living room where the music was the loudest before attempting to squeeze through a group of the guys.

I felt like I ran into a brick wall when one person didn't move and I almost stumbled over.
“Oh I am sorry,” I looked up and realized it was Geno.
“You bitch!” I heard a someone screech.

I looked past Geno and saw a girl drowned in her own drink, a bitter look in her eye.
“Watch where your going next time,” she reached out to slap me but I managed to get me hand up and block her first.
Unlucky for me it was the hand I was holding my phone in and it went flying across the room and shattered the moment it hit the wall.

I looked to Geno for help but he was just as shocked as I was. The tears escaped before I even had a chance to get out of there, I scooped up my phone and ran upstairs hearing Geno call out for me as I disappeared.

“Cammy,” he was there knocking on the door to his room seeming desperate for me to answer.
“Go away,” I cried.

I should have known there was no point in telling him to leave because it was Geno and he never left me alone on a good day, let alone when I was sad.

“Is ok Cam, just phone,” he shut the door behind him and moved over to sit on the edge of his bed.
“It's not that,” I cried burying my face into the pillows, “do you really think I would cry over my phone?”
“Look upset.”
“Yeah well I am not, I was talking to me dad. I haven't talked to him in since the playoffs began.”
“Cam,” he sighed, “give me phone.”
“It's broken you can't fix it.”
“Give me phone,” he repeated.

I rolled over and handed him my phone watching as he pulled the sim card out and switched it with his.
“Use my phone, talk to your dad. We go buy new one tomorrow,” he handed his phone over and put my broken one on the bedside dresser.
“You don't have to,” I sat up and wiped the tears away from my eyes.
“Is fine, not need it,” he shrugged.
“What about getting that girls number?”
“Was waiting for you to come save me,” he admitted.
“Well just so you know my phone got sacrificed for your sake,” I chuckled.
“Thank you Cam,” he smiled and pulled me in for hug.

I accepted it and relaxed into his arms because lets face I knew he wouldn't lie to me about anything.

“Go on ring your dad then come downstairs,” he pulled away with a warm smile on his face, “protect me from girls.”
“Ok,” I sniffled wiping away the last of my tears and watched him leave.

I don't know what I was going to be getting myself into but to me Geno was perfect. He had a big heart and cared about everyone, nine times out of ten he put other people's feelings before his own and nine times out of ten he made me smile. How things had changed, from butting heads like we did, to this.
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Hey guys hope you like it. Something should happen between these two soon so don't worry, hang in there.