Hunter's Heart

Prey and Predator

I huffed as I ran through the foggy forest. The mist was thick as I pushed my way through branches that tore at my skin, and stepped on twigs that ripped my bare feet. I glance behind every now and then. Holding my left forearm as I ran I could feel my blood run down my arm at an alarming rate. My vision was blurring, steps unbalanced, and the smell of my blood was filling my nose. Not good, not good at all. Tripping, I leaned against a near tree and held in a scream when my gaping wound roughly brushed against the bark.

My eyes tear up at the pain and that’s when I hear it. That lone howl that makes my blood sing with fear and adrenaline. Pushing off the tree I begin running forward, my dirty blood stained clothes tearing in the fog.

Stop running from me, I heard a deep, pissed voice echo in my head. Stop now, or I won’t be responsible.

Shaking my head I continued forward till my foot collided with an uprooted tree root. Falling forward my head slammed against a large oak making my vision terrible. The world spun, my feet couldn’t firmly plant themselves to the ground, and when looking up the harvest moon danced in the sky. The only thing I could rely on was my hearing and sense of smell. I could smell the rich earth, the moisture in the air, and something like rich mahogany. My eyes widen and I spun around just in time to hear a low growl, and the stepping’s of a charging wolf. Before I could open my mouth the wolf tackled me to the ground and I was pinned to the wet dirt. Bared fangs were inches from me, deadly pearly whites dripping pearl shaped rubies on my face.

Claws dug into my shoulder blades and I screamed at the pain, Why?! Why do you run from me? the voice echoed in my head as the wolf growled.

Feeling weak from blood loss I didn’t bother lift my head to the beast. Lying on the dirt I let my head roll to the side. “Please kill me, I hate you, as you do me. Let me be one with the earth.” The growling slowly died out replaced by a whimper.

I don’t hate you, I felt a tongue begin lapping over my wounded arm, the very one the beast had bitten earlier. I just hate how you can turn me into a monster, I heard the cracking of bones and suddenly the feeling of fur was replaced with skin, and the licking with kisses. “I love you more than anything,” gently my head was moved so I’d face a pair of golden eyes partly cover behind black hair. Carefully he moved a strand of my brown hair from my mouth, “my beloved Luna, my Scarlet.” He then kissed me.

He tasted like blood.
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My first attempt at Drabble. Tell me what you think.