What I Need

What Happened

Do you want to know what happened to me? Do you REEEALLY want to know? Well if you don't, I'm telling you anyways. It happened the night of the biggest party the town has ever known. It had to be shut down early because the cops were called. Some asses started a show down with guns and everything. So, I was walking home when I got attacked. I had just passed an alley with a fading street light. These two guys popped out of nowhere and dragged me back into the alley. *shudders from recollection* They started off just trying to violate me. I broke my heels, they ripped my dress. It was horrible. I kept fighting though. I often wish I hadn't. They were quickly running out of time until someone noticed my absence and caught them so they hit me over the head. I blacked out and nearly bled out in that same alley where I was almost raped. After that I have craved blood because of a mental defect I acquired from such a large loss of delicious, red, orgy-causing blood. Sorry, I got carried away again. I can't help my cravings and I have seen psychologists, therapists, councilors, brain surgeons, and the insides of multiple asylums first-hand *shiver*. Now I fight to get through every day without hurting those close to me or killing someone for their blood. I obviously fear that I will now spend my life alone and loveless.