Status: sighs

Sign Language


Mikey pulled the duvet over his head. He only had a few weeks left with Gabe and Gerard and even Ray- he didn’t want to waste it by going to high school during the week.

However, Frank’s persistent poking finally managed to force the older teenager out of bed.

He took his time getting dressed, dragging a toothbrush over his teeth, eating a Poptart. He made a point of hugging Gerard before he and Frank walked to school. A couple lowerclassmen joined them on their way, the routine developed over the past few years. They were friends of Frank’s, and some of them had learned enough sign language to include Mikey in their antics.

After school, Mikey and Pete sat on the cement steps, the taller teaching his friend more sign language. After going through the alphabet- which Pete grasped after the umpteenth time- Mikey smiled and signed, boy, then followed up by spelling it out. Pete mimicked the actions, whispering it under his breath (“B-O-Y... boy,” and continuing the action. “Boy.”) Mikey smiled and nodded, then proceeded to teach him ‘girl’ and then ‘friend.’

Suddenly, hands covered Mikey’s eyes and Pete lept to his feet, fists balled, ready to yell at whoever it was picking on his friend this time. Mikey’s hands reached back, running over Gabe’s features, and he smiled before removing the hands from his eyes. Pete raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, and Mikey signed slowly ‘boy’ and ‘friend.’ Then he put them together, faster, so they made one word. ‘Boyfriend.’

Pete slowly uncrossed his arms, and the two shook hands and exchanged greetings. Mikey grinned widely- his two favorite people (well, except Gerard, but sometimes Mikey had mixed feelings about Gerard and his older-brother ideals) were friends. Or, at least, acquaintances, and that was pretty great, too.

Mikey waved to Pete, still smiling, as he laced his fingers with Gabe’s and they headed towards the older boy’s car, homeward bound.