Standing at the Edge of Life and Death

At the Edge

She climbs up to the roof, it’s late. A storm is rolling in from the west. She steps outside; the chill of the wind fills her body and her uncovered arms. The wind instantly catches her hair. She takes small strides to the edge of the building and looks down. Memories fill her mind, conversations she would never have. A smile creeps on to her face, but vanishes just as soon as it appeared. She takes in a deep catchy breath and lets it go. She looks to the sky as a tear falls from her eye and rolls down her cold cheek. She then buries her head in her chest; a few more tears escape her eyes. She closes her eyes tight and falls to her knees. She rests her clenched fists on her calves and shakes her head. Her hair blows into her wet cheeks and sticks there until she moves her hair out of the way. She opens her eyes again. She sees someone down below walking into the building. They stop and look up. She gasps and scoots back on her palms. She waits a few minutes before peaking back over the ledge. They’re gone now. She takes another catchy breath and stands up. She stands at the ledge and looks down once more. She stops, closes her eyes and lets the wind once again blow through her hair. She then takes a step back, turns around and walks back to the door. She closes it behind her and goes on with her life.