You'd Be My Sun; You'd Be My Light

Everything's Fine

Kylee finally pulled herself out of bed and made her way to my car. She continued to pout the entire drive to her physical therapist while caused me to pull over, “What are you doing?”

“I’m tired of that pout on your face. You want to ride don’t you?”


“So going to this appointment will help you get back on that bike.”

“But I don’t feel good.”

“Feeling shitty never stopped you from racing before. How many races did your mom try to talk you out of but you continued to press on because you wanted to win?”

“But this doesn’t feel like those times. Hannah what if I’m pregnant?”

I shrugged, “Then you’re pregnant. You sit out for nine more months and then you come back and kill it on that track.”

“I can’t be pregnant. I just...” She shook her head, “I can’t.”

“Stop worrying about it. Everything is alright. You might not even be pregnant. Now what is it going to be: are you going to stop pouting and let me take you to your appointment or are you going to keep pouting and force me to drive to the drugstore and pick up a pregnancy test and make you take it? The choice is yours.”

Kylee sat there for a while before letting out a sigh, “Fine take me to the appointment.”

“Alright,” I pulled back onto the road and drove the few extra blocks until we got to the office. I settled into a chair in the waiting room and began texting Wil telling him to entertain me for the next hour but not even twenty minutes later Kylee came back out with an upset look on her face.

“Ky?” I asked as I stood up, “What’s wrong? I thought you had another forty minutes.”

“Yeah so did I,” She mumbled.

“What happened?”

“I threw up again.”

I let out a sigh and held her sweatshirt out for her, “Lets get you home and into bed then.” Kylee quickly shook her head, “Well then what do you want to do?”

“Take me to the drugstore.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, lets go before I chicken out. I need to know if I’m pregnant or if I’m just sick.”

“Okay, we’ll go and pick up some other stuff to help you feel better.”

Kylee nodded her head before heading out the door back towards my car.

The drive to the store was extremely quiet. I knew Kylee probably had a million thoughts running through her head and I left her to them. My best friend could possibly be pregnant and I had no idea what to say.

Before we got out of the car to head into the store I stopped Kylee, “Hey, I just want you to know that no matter what happens I’m going to be right there with you the whole way.”

Kylee gave me a weak smile before leaning over the center console and giving me a hug, “Love you Hannah.”

“I love you too, don’t know where I would be without you.”

The two of us walked into the store and make a quick trip down the isles. Kylee really just wanted to get in and out as fast as we could and I didn’t blame her one bit.

“Do you want to head to my place or back to yours?”

She thought about it for a few minutes, “Lets just go back to mine. I’m going to want to crawl into bed after this whole thing anyways.”

We headed back to her place and she was quick to notice that Jake wasn’t there. She made a quick dash to the bathroom just in time to puke again, I let out a sigh before following her in there to help hold her hair and rub her back. Even though I teased her about it, I knew now wasn’t the perfect moment for her to get pregnant. So I could only hope that she had a bug or something.

“You’re okay Ky,” I said as I rubbed her back.

“No I’m not,” She let out a pathetic whine.

“Maybe you just have the flu or food poisoning.”

“Jake is going to freak.”

“Which is why I’m going to be downstairs keeping a lookout while you lock yourself upstairs in the bathroom and take the test to be sure that you are pregnant or not before you scare the shit out of him.”

“We’ve never talked about kids before. I don’t even know if he wants kids.”

“Jake loves little kids and he loves you. He isn’t going to freak out to the point where he bails or anything. He may panic right at the beginning but he is a good boy and you have nothing to worry about.”

Kylee mumbled something under her breath that was along the lines of having a lot to worry about but headed upstairs anyways. I sat down on the couch in the living room and pulled my phone out to continue texting Wil. He informed me that he was finishing up at the track and was planning on meeting up with Jake in about twenty minutes or so. Good, plenty of time for Kylee to get the test taken and out of the way before Jake got home. Hopefully everything worked out as well as I was wanting it to.
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I had this sitting open ready to post forever ago but like an idiot I forgot to hit submit. oops!

It's my birthday in 15 minutes so it would be really awesome if you comment! haha <3