You'd Be My Sun; You'd Be My Light

Insecure About the Bump

“Up and at em, Ky. Come on,” Jake spoke… at six o’clock in the morning.

“I don’t wanna,” I groaned and rolled over, pulling the covers over my head.

I heard him chuckle and then felt weight being put onto the bed. Seconds later, his arms were wrapped around the blankets that I was tangled in. I grumbled nothing and rolled over to nuzzle against his chest as best as I could.

“Too tired,” I muttered.

“We have to leave in a little bit,” he countered and pressed his lips to my cheek.

“Your child is making me too tired,” I huffed.

“Your child too,” he snickered. My response was to stick my tongue out at him.

“Nope… you left it in me… it’s yours,” I couldn’t help but giggle now.

“I can’t take it back. I’m sorry,” he played along.

“Meanie,” I told him through another laugh.

“Love you,” he spoke softly before kissing my cheek once more. “Now get up!” he added, giving my backside a smack… that I didn’t really feel through the blankets.

“I don’t wanan go,” I whined as he pulled me closer to the edge of the bed.

“You were so excited the other day,” he countered as he got to his feet.

“Not now,” I pouted.

“Why?” he pouted back as I got to my knees and looked up at him.

“I’m going to be tired the whole time,” I huffed.

“You can nap in the trailer if you get too tired,” he told me.

“Our baby doesn’t want to go,” I tried that card.

“I think our baby wants to go. You’re just being difficult… which isn’t anything new,” he chuckled.

“Shut up!” I have his bare shoulder a playful shove.

“I love you and your difficultness,” he teased and wrapped me up in his arms.

“Someone has to,” I countered through my own giggle.

He chuckled and pecked at my lips before he walked away… leaving me to climb out of bed and get ready… to leave… for the weekend. I know it’s probably not going to be as bad when we get there. It’s just… I don’t want people to see me while pregnant! I feel like everyone just looks at me like ‘oh, look at the pregnant chick who couldn’t wait until she was married!’. But… Jake wants me to go, so… I guess I should.

Once I came out of the bathroom, Jake was nowhere to be found. I sighed and tugged on one of his hoodies… that are starting to get snugger by the day and went downstairs. Before I hit the bottom step, I heard his laughter… along with Wilbur’s. Oh, boy.

“There’s prego!” Wil started once he saw me.

“Shut up,” I threw back at him.

“She’s got a cute bump,” Hannah cooed.

“Hush!” I groaned.

“She’s insecure about the bump,” Jake whispered loudly.

“But it’s cute,” she grinned now.

“You try having a bump… that moves!” I huffed and took the spot on the couch next to Jake.

“Aw! It’s moving?” she beamed.

“She likes her daddy’s voice,” I couldn’t help but smile over at Jake, catching his smile as well.

“Do you know if it’s a girl?!” Hannah’s eyes grew wide.

“Ky wants a girl,” Jake told her.

“What’s Jakey want?” Wil asked him.

“I don’t care,” was Jake’s reply.

“He wants a boy,” I corrected him. We’ve playfully bickered so much about this!

“Aw,” both Hannah and Wil cooed at the same time.

“Yeah, well… we should get going,” Jake pushed himself to his feet, over the sappy moment that just happened.

“Aw, but Jakey,” I cooed as I attempted to follow him.

I stopped at the stairs though. He went to get our bags to take out to his truck. Apparently, Wil and Hannah were riding with us. I had no complaints about this. We let Wil and Jake have the front while Hannah and I lounged in the back. Hannah even brought me coffee! … It was decaf of course, but… she still thought of me this morning. As we drew nearer to our destination, I started to get a bit more excited. I just didn’t want to go anywhere while I was pregnant, but… I’m going to have to get over that. With Jake racing all season, I’m going to be going a whole lot of places!
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