You'd Be My Sun; You'd Be My Light


Even when we got home… the whole situation bothered me. I didn’t want to spend the whole fucking season annoyed by seeing this chick around Jake and wondering if he’s checking her out because his girlfriend is a fat tub of lard! I haven’t… exactly told this to Jake. But during my next doctor’s appointment, she told me I should probably be taking it easy with all of this stress going on right now. So, this weekend, I was staying home from the races with Wil and Hannah!

“You’re man’s going to be lonely…” Wil teased as I plopped down on the couch.

“Yeah,” I muttered.

“Lets not talk about it,” Hannah stepped in, obviously realizing that I didn’t want to.

“But that’s all I can think about!” I groaned out my confession.

“We need to do something then! Get your mind off of things,” she countered.

“She’s supposed to be taking it easy,” Wil had to butt in.

“Lets… go shopping!” Hannah came up with. “Don’t you need things for the weekend? This could be fun,” she added.

“All I want is alcohol, but I can’t have any,” I muttered.

“Well, she’s going to be lovely…” Wil grumbled.

“Maybe you should have went with Jake…” I told him under my breath.

Before Wil and I could lay into each other, Hannah got me up and into her truck. I was just grouchy today… and I didn’t mean to be, but… I’m pregnant! And my baby’s daddy is gone to be around hot girls all weekend while I stay at home and ‘take it easy’… while pouting.

“Ok, this is going to be a good weekend!” Hannah started once she parked her truck at the mall.

“Yeah,” I wasn’t too convinced.

“It will be!” she tried to seem excited. “Now, what do you want to get?”

“I don’t know,” I sighed.

“Come on! Lets go browse around the movie store,” she encouraged and climbed out of her truck.

With a huff, I slid out and followed her. She led me into the video store… and asked if I wanted anything. I told her no, but she told me to browse around anyway. My feet… stumbled me along towards the fitness section… and then I found pregnancy work out videos. My doctor told me that working out may help my stress… but the last thing I wanted to do was work out! There was… a yoga video though.

“Hannah,” I called out, hoping she was near.

“Yeah?” she answered from the next aisle.

“Come here,” I couldn’t help but smile.

She came over, glancing at what I was doing. I showed her what I was looking at, making her brow wrinkle up.

“… Think Wilbur would do this with us?” I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Yes!” her eyes grew wide as she tried to hold in her own laughter.

I wasn’t too serious about it, but… I felt like he might get on my nerves this weekend… but seeing him do preggers yoga might just make me die from laughter. I ended up buying it before Hannah and I went to a few other stores to get some things for this weekend. Once we got back to Wil’s, Hannah told him to get put some shorts on. He didn’t question why… He just did it. I was already in sweats and all good with my mobility. Hannah went to change real quickly and came out before Wil. While he was still changing, I put the DVD in. Hannah and I started doing the stretches when Wil came out…

“What is this?” he questioned.

“Yoga! We’re going to do it for Ky!” Hannah answered.

“I don’t need to push a baby out. Why do I need to do it?” he countered.

“It’ll make me happy,” I pouted at him.

He rolled his eyes… and fell in line with Hannah and I. She moved closer to me… and we kind of just made fun of him throughout all of this. But once we had to get on all fours for a different pose… and basically arch our back, it was Wil’s turn to have fun.

“Why do I feel like this is how baby Weimer was conceived?” he cracked his little joke.

“If you weren’t all the way over there…” I muttered.

“I was waiting for the ‘ohhhh, Jake’,” he kept going.

“I’m going to punch you,” I threw at him.

He lost himself in hysterics then. Pretty sure he wasn’t able to hold himself up on his own then. He fell to the floor and laughed even more. That wasn’t nice! But it… was pretty funny. It did get my mind off of things and… made me laugh eventually. Laughing relieves stress right? This could be ok… As long as I don’t think about the race or… Jake and the people he’s around this weekend, I’ll be… fine… I hope I’m fine!
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