You'd Be My Sun; You'd Be My Light

Practice Makes Perfect

“It’s a girl!” Kylee yelled out as soon as she walked into my house, “Where are you?!”

“In the living room,” I called back, “What are you talk...OH MY GOD!” I jumped off the couch and met her and Jake in the hallway.

“We’re having a girl. A little girl, can you believe it?!”

“Awwww Ky I’m so happy for you!” I pulled her into a hug.

“Where’s Wil?” Jake asked.

“Wilbur! Get your cute ass down here!” I yelled up the stairs.

Soon enough we heard the sound of his footsteps, “What’s going on?” He asked once he reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Look!” Jake said shoving the ultrasound picture into Wil’s hand, “I made that.”

“Excuse me?” Kylee sent him a look.

Jake grinned at her, “Okay I helped.”

Wil held up the picture, “Now what exactly am I looking at?”

I rolled my eyes at him, “That’s their baby girl.”


I shook my head and took the picture from him, “How about we go sit down and get mommy off her feet?” I lead the group into the living room and took a seat on the couch. I took a good look at the ultrasound picture, “Awww I can’t wait to go shopping now!”

“Auntie Hannah is going to spoil this baby hmm?” Kylee asked with a grin.

“Mhmm,” I sent her a large smile, “Ohh I want a baby.”

Jake raised an eyebrow while Kylee stared at me wide-eyed and Wil choked out a “What?”

“Not right now! God!”

“Be careful bro,” Jake said elbowing Wil, “As soon as this little one comes she’s going to be wanting one of her own really fast.”

“Shut up Jacob. Wil and I will have a baby when we are good and ready to have a baby.”

“Just be careful that you don’t even up with an oops like we did,” Kylee said with a slight smile on her face.

“But you love that oops.”

Kylee gave her stomach a rub, “Very much so.”

Kylee and Jake ended up stay for dinner and then leaving shortly after. I was happy to see that Kylee seemed to be a lot less stressed out now since finding out what the sex of the baby was. I just hoped that her and Jake had really talked about what was bothering her. It seemed like the two of them were at a good place right now and it would be so much better if it stayed that way.

Once they had gone home Wil and I curled up on the couch together. Wil ran his fingers through my hair as I laid against his chest, “So you want to have a baby with me?”

I rolled my eyes but grinned at Wil’s question, “Yes. Eventually I would like to have a baby.” I purposely avoided what he was truly asking.

“But with me?”

I pulled my head up to look him in the eyes, “When the time is right for the both of us I would love to have a baby with you.”


“Mhmm but right now isn’t the right time.” I sent him a smirk, “But that doesn’t mean we don’t get to practice a whole lot.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Oh?”

“Oh yeah. You know what the say...”

“What do they say?”

I turned around to straddle his waist and pressed my lips to his, “Practice makes perfect,” I said between kisses.

His hands quickly gripped my thighs tightly before he carried me upstairs. It seemed like Wil won’t mind just practicing for a bit.
♠ ♠ ♠

I am so so so so sorry this took forever to get out.
Hopefully you are all still around to read this!
