

The moon shone in the night along with the stars.
Londyn lifted her gaze toward the stars smiling. Bane lifted his gaze as well but found it less appealing than the girl.
Wherever the man was in the world the stars were just the same. Never changing in the night sky.
Londyn met Banes gaze and lifted her lips into a gentle smile.

"A walk?" She raised her brow.

Bane only stared at the way her lips moved when she spoke.

"Isn't a little dangerous for you to be walking the streets of Gothem?" Londyn challenged.

"This area is secluded"

Londyn smiled and began walking aimlessly. Bane watched afar as the girl took her surrounding in.
Londyn glanced back at him and motioned with her hand quickly telling him to come.
Bane with a calm gaze met her by the railing. Below was the city's water.

"May I ask you a question?" Londyn stared forward into the water.

Bane nodded and Londyn turned her body to face him. "What are your plans for me?"

Bane lips twitched into a smile. "I have no plans for you"


Bane brows raised in hearing the women curse. Bane arm twitch at his side.

"You are so cryptic. I think I have a right to know since it's involving my life" she crossed her arms and peered up at him.

"You" Bane began slowly "Are a child"

Londyn wanted to scream and just fling herself off the railing.
Londyn glared up at Bane.

"I wonder why you haven't killed me yet"

The girl was almost smug at this. Bane shook his head "Do not test me Miss. Jonas"

But Londyn wanted to test the man. Test his limits.

"I mean if a man held a gun to my temple. Would you try and help me?"

Londyn was becoming hysterical. Unsure of her relationship with the man.
Bane stared deeply at the girl and wondered why she was being so absurd.

"You hold potential" Bane stated.

"No I won't accept that" Londyn shook her head from side to side "I want my life back. I want to go to a unknown city. Find my future husband, fall in love and buy a house and get married and then have children that resemble me in a small way and then I want to die" she rambled. A sob was forming in her chest.

Bane stared eyes narrowed.
Londyn met his gaze with a sad smile.

"I want to move on from this. When this is all over I want to go back" her eyes lingered on the tall buildings in front of the pair.

Bane frowned deeply behind the contraption. It irked him that she wanted a life beyond him.
Bane often wondered if he, himself can have the white picket fence.
It was just not a option for him.
For now.

"What city?" Bane suddenly asked.

Londyn brows furrowed. "What city would you like to live in?"

Londyn let out a shaky laugh. "I suppose a small town is nice. Vermont" she shrugged.

Bane smiled and nodded at her.

"I don't like the city life anymore. I might get kidnap" she looked at him sharply. "Again"

"I nearly saved you"

Londyn expressed a weak smile. "I am thankful but I wonder.." She began then swung her leg over the railing.

"Why" she met his eyes forcefully.

Bane clenched his jaw as the girl was inches away to falling into the water.

"If I fell would you come after me?" She wondered with a devious hint in her green eyes.


Londyn smiled and challenged him. "WelI I can't swim" Bane brows furrowed at her statement.

Londyn glanced back at him shot Bane a grin then flung herself of the ledge.
Bane stared for a moment until he heard the splash of her body into the water.
Then he himself jumped over the railing and into the water.
To save the dumb girl.


"Okay that was stupid" Londyn said into Banes chest as they floated in the water.
Bane nodded as he swam to the clearing of the water.

"I just needed to know" she said more to herself than him.

"This is the third time" she gasped then lowered her head.

Bane paid the girl no mind. He was furious but more amused. Bane lifted the girl and twirled her around and dropped her to the ground.

"Ouch" she winced.

Londyn was now soaking wet. But it was worth it to know how far the man will go for her.
Bane lowered himself to sit right next to her.
Londyn let out a sigh and gaze up toward the sky.

"You question your emotions toward me"

Londyn whipped her head at the sound of his voice.

"No" she told him "I only question my own emotions"

"You are lying"

Londyn pressed her lips together "I actually know my feelings toward you" she met his eyes with a tiny smirk playing on her lips.

Bane sighed "Enough with the games"

"Never" she muttered and received a glare from him.

Bane stood and peered down at the small girl.
Londyn watched as he offered her his hand. She placed her hand in his and Londyn was lifted off the ground.

"I can assure you I will keep saving you"

Londyn swallowed as her heart began to beat dramatically in her chest.
As they began to walk Bane released his grip on the girl hand.
Londyn clenched and unclenched her fist feeling a warm sensation in her hand.
Bane walked beside her as he now held a grip on his vest.
Darkness surrounded them as they enter the tunnels.
Londyn felt Bane arm graze her lower back leading her in the darkness.
Londyn eyes widen at his touch and what it could do to her.
Then unknown footsteps entered the tunnels. Bane dropped his arm.
Bane shifted himself in front of the girl.
Londyn stared at his broad back.
Bane suddenly stopped causing Londyn to stumble into him. Bane hand went for her own and he steadied her.
But he didn't release his grip.
Londyn squeezed his hand and peered around his massive frame.
Barsad faced Bane with a perplex look on his face. Barsad noticed the pair actually holding hands. He held back his smile.
Bane nodded his head.

"Miss Jonas" Bane said loosening his grip on Londyn hand. "Go with Barsad. He will escort you back to our room"

Bane released her hand. Londyn stepped around Bane and greeted Barsad.

"I have to attend to business"

Bane walked swiftly ahead leaving the pair. Londyn frowned and opened her mouth.

Barsad lifted his hand "Do not ask me" he chuckled.

Londyn nodded almost smiling.

"Why are you wet?" Barsad questioned as they walked deeper into the tunnels.

"I jumped into the water" she told Barsad calmly.

"That is why Bane is wet himself?" He asked.

Londyn nodded. Barsad laughed at her side which made her laugh herself.

"Thank you" Londyn smiled at Barsad as the pair reached the door. Barsad nodded and swiftly turned around making his way through the tunnels.

As she stepped in the room Londyn heard a female voice in the hall.
Londyn suddenly tensed gazing around.
She looked down the hall where the voice was heard. Londyn bit down on her lip.
She wanted the source of voice. Londyn inched away and trailed slowly down the wall.

"You are very distracted by the girl"

Londyn froze and backed into the wall covering her mouth.

"She is becoming a nuisance. The girl must be eliminated"


Londyn stiffened at Banes voice.
With wide eyes Londyn made her way back to the dorm.
A unsettling feeling washed over her.
As she heard the women's voice before.

It was Miranda Tate.
♠ ♠ ♠


That is my tumblr and feel free to ask me question and tell me your opinion on the story

Love you guys thanks for reading ❤❤❤