

As the body of John Daggett dropped to the floor Banes thoughts drifted to the girl waiting in the lobby.
Bane brushed his hands onto his jacket and stepped over the body.
As he approached the double doors, they were swung open by Daggett's men.
A grin lingered behind his contraption.
Bane entered the lobby and his blue eyes immediately landed on the girl.
The girl had not heard him enter the lobby. As she was leaning on the wall smacking her lips together. Bane stood there for a moment taking a mental picture of the girl.
Bane stepped forward with more force. The girl head snapped in his direction and Bane watched as her shoulders relaxed.
Londyn averted her gaze toward Bane. She expressed a sigh of relief and stepped forward to him.

"John Daggett" Londyn whispered harshly.

Bane stared down at the girl as her lower lip pouted in the slightest way. Bane took ahold of Londyn forearm.

"We may talk later"

Londyn gazed up at him closely then nodded her head. Bane began to lead the girl into the elevator as Barsad followed.
Bane kept ahold of the girl forearm.
Londyn absently leaned her body into him. Bane lowered his gaze and slowly looked forward.
He was getting used to her touch.
With a ring the elevator opened revealing Stryver, Daggett assistant.
Stryver locked eyes with Londyn pressing his lips together.
They were both acquainted with one other.
Stryver made no eye contact with Bane. A nod of his head and he step to the side so the duo can pass.
As they walked out of the Elevator Londyn glanced back toward Stryver.
Just as the elevator doors closed Stryver shot Londyn a crooked smirk.
A devious smirk.
Londyn scowled at the men.
And found herself wishing she could kill the man.



Londyn propped up on Banes bed gazing at the man as he flipped through the blue prints.
Bane lifted his head and narrowed his eyes.

"It's time to have a talk" she reminded him beaming.

Londyn sat up and crawled to the edge of the bed and leaned on her elbows resting her chin in her hands.
Bane watched in amusement and saw the girl once more smile at him.

"How can I say no?" He questioned dryly.

"You can't" the girl said boldly.

Bane raised his brow. Londyn simply raised her shoulders sheepishly.
Bane expressed a sigh and placed the documents aside.

"Where to begin" he mused.

"I want to know how John Daggett and yourself are involved" she suggested.

"Daggett is no more" he reminded Londyn.

Londyn winced slightly.

"Daggett wanted to take over Wayne Enterprises" Bane began.

"That is why you crashed the stock market" It all clicked to Londyn "Daggett paid you"

Bane was impressed with the girl. "You are very observant"

"I have to be" she gazed at him "When I'm dealing you a man like yourself"

Bane mused over her words. Bane nodded agreeing with the girl.

"How did you do it" Londyn wondered.

"Bruce Wayne's fingerprints were retrieved"

"How-" Londyn started.

Bane raised his hand "That is another story"

"Okay.." Londyn mused. "Tell me more"

Londyn was extremely excited of Banes trust in her.
She loved their conversations.
Bane was opening up to the girl.
It was a odd thing.
For the both of them.

"What do you want to know?"

Londyn met his eyes.
Bane saw the undeniable spark in the girls green eyes.
Londyn opened her mouth and whispered

"Every thing"


Hours passed as they pair confessed to each other.
The pair opened up to each other.
It was so easy for Londyn to just give herself away to this man.
Bane of course withheld some information from the girl. It simply was not the time for it.

"The pit?"

Londyn and Bane found themselves siting across from each other.
Londyn watched as his abnormal color eyes turned dark.

"It is hell on earth"

Londyn shook from his words. "I learned the truth about despair. It was my home"

Bane locked gazes with the girl.
Londyn sat wide eyed.

"But why?"

Bane gaze lowered "I was molded by the darkness, Born in it. I did not see the light until I was a man"

Sympathy washed through Londyn.

"Bane" she began but could not form any words to the man.

A lump was building up in her throat. Londyn swallowed.
Londyn leaned forward to Bane.
Bane watched intently as the girl inched closer and closer.
Londyn pressed her hand on his contraption.

"Now I am surrounded by the light"

Londyn lifted her gaze and met his abnormal blue eyes. Her heart hammered in her ears. Bane breath reached her finger tips.
Londyn leaned forward.

"You seek redemption" she stated.

Bane eyes held such deep emotion. Londyn found herself dazed as she stared into his blue orbs.
Londyn lifted herself up. They were inches away from each other.
Londyn's lips grazing his mouthpiece.
Bane sat motionless and he felt her lips graze his mouth piece. The animal in himself responded.
Londyn stared into his eyes and with out thinking pressed her lips against his lower eye lid.
A gasped escape her lips.
Londyn pulled away quickly.

"I'm sorry" she shuddered.

Covering her mouth she fumble away from Bane. Londyn ran to the bathroom stumbling over her feet.
Londyn closed the door and slowly fell to her knees.

What have I done? She wondered panicked.

She banged her head against the door.
Londyn had no plan of leaving the bathroom anytime soon.

Londyn pressed her finger against her lips. Her lips tingled from Banes skin.

Londyn could never face Bane now.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can't express how much I was torn when I was writing this .. Aw man.

Thanks for reading ❤

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