
The Bat

Bane stood peering down as the girl slept peacefully in his bed.
Doctor Lorenzo stood at Banes side holding his medical bag.
Bane could not fathom the thought of the girl being awake for the big arrival of the bat.
Bane wanted to protect her.

"Are you sure?" Doctor Lorenzo asked softly.

Bane nodded his head determined.
Doctor Lorenzo placed his medical bag on the end table and rummage through it.
The doctor pulled out a needle and clear bottle of substance.

"This will have the girl unconscious for hours" The Doctor murmured.

Bane hoped for that. "Do it"

Salvatore gently grasp the girl arms.
Bane watched as the girl sighed happily and revealed her green orbs.

"Bane?" She asked puzzled.

Bane could not meet her eyes. He turned his whole body away from the girl.

"Doctor what are you doing" Londyn scrambled against him.

The needle met Londyn's vein. Londyn winced and the drugs took effect instantly.

"Bane" she said incoherently.

Londyn head swirled around the room. She saw bright colors against her eyelids.
What was he doing to me? She wondered.
Her gaze turn to the rock that was placed right next to her. Londyn sight was blurred.

"Son of a bit-" she couldn't end her sentence.

Londyn was unconscious in a matter of seconds.
Bane sighed and turned to stare deeply at the girl. He frowned under his contraption.
The girl will realize he was protecting her.
One day.

Londyn awoke alone in the dorm.
She jolted forward rubbing her face.

"Oh no" she whispered scrambling out of bed.

Bane. The thought of the man sent her running out of the room. Silence filled the tunnels.
She rounded the corner sharply and was grasp tightly around the waist.
Londyn fidgeted against the mans chest but calmed when she realized it was Barsad.
Londyn peered around at all the men who stared solemnly above.
Puzzled,she lifted her gaze above.

"Bane" she whispered taking a step forward.

"You are suppose to be unconscious" Barsad hissed taking ahold of her arm.

Londyn glared at the man but stayed at his side.

Go to him she repeated mentally.


A extremely hoarse voice stated. Londyn peered up and could not fathom the sight of the man.
It was the Batman.
Londyn's body began to shake.

"Let's not stand on ceremony here" Bane voice hummed through the clearing. "Mr Wayne"

Londyn inhaled sharply and pressed her shaky hands together.
Bruce Wayne is the Batman of course Londyn scolded.
Her gaze lifted to Barsad who in turn lowered his head.
Londyn was becoming hysterical.
She watched as the Batman and Bane stalked toward each other. Bane gripping his vest calmly.
The Batman collided his foot into Banes chest. He began to swing at Bane.
Bane caught his fist midway.

"Victory has defeated you"

Lethal as ever Bane began to collide his fist into the armor. The punches were heard throughout the clearing.
Londyn heart beat frantically in her throat.
A Aggravated scream from the Batman filled the clearing. Bane accepted the fist of the Batman calmly.
Bane leg collided into the Batmans chest. His body swung over the railing. Londyn peered down as he gracefully landed.
Bane took hold of the chain and began climbing down. His muscles responded visibly from where Londyn stood.
Inches away Londyn watched as the duo took beatings from each other. The Batman had no force over Bane.
Bane was lethal in every way possible.
A swift move from Bane's fist caused the Batman to stumbled onto his back.
Londyn flinched and averted her gaze away. That is when she saw the women in the cat suite behind the chain fence.
Londyn saw the sadness and desperation in Selina Kyle brown eyes. As Selina saw the same emotion in Londyn's green massive eyes.
Londyn turned her gaze away from the women knowingly.
The Batman was scrambling out of reach from Bane. The Batman slowly stood and raised his fist toward Bane.
Bane swung violently toward The Batman multiple times and collided his boot to The Batman's chest.
The Batman landed on the pavement and twirled a contraption in his hands.
Clouds of smoke swirled around Bane.

"We are annunciated aren't we Bruce?" Bane gracefully took each step toward the man. "Members of the league of shadows"

Londyn stared wide eyed. Every secret was out in that moment.
But it was to late for Londyn.
She couldn't turn away.

"And you betrayed us" Bane took hold of The Batman's throat and lifted him effortlessly above.

"A gang of psychopaths" The Batman wheezed from Banes grasp.

Three blows to the mans kidneys and the Batman was thrown.

"I am the league of shadows" Slowly Bane spread his hands "I am here to fulfill Ra's Al' Ghul destiny"

The Batman flung himself toward Bane. Bane dropped onto the pavement.
The grasp on Londyn arm became tighter. Barsad stood twitching beside the girl.
Londyn had never seen the man drop.
The Batman collided his fist to Banes head until Bane head collided with the mans.
Effortlessly The Batman was flung aside.

"You fight like a younger man" Bane said standing "Memorable but mistaken"

Then darkness filled the clearing.
Londyn flinched and closed her eyes. Concentrating on the hum that was heard from Banes contraption.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally?"
Bane began to walk aimlessly around.
"You merely adapted to the dark. I was born in it"

"I didn't see the light until I was already a man by then it was nothing to me but blinding" Bane hissed.

Londyn eyes adjusted to the dark and watched as Bane gripped The Batman throat tightly.

"The shadows betray you" Bane threw The man against the water supply. "Because they belong to me"

Punches were heard. A cracking of a armor was heard by Londyn.

"I will show you where I made my home while I prepare to bring justice" Bane said as a device was thrown to him. "Then I will break you"

A single click.
A line of explosive trailed up the tunnels.
Barsad pulled Londyn further back.

"Brace yourself" he whispered.

Londyn held in her breath as the ceiling collapsed. She jumped beside Barsad.
A vehicle landed causing cement to blow everywhere.

"Your precious armory" Bane voice boomed "Gratefully accepted. We will need it"

Suddenly Bane's men began to climb toward the now open area.
The Batman slowly stood up.

"Ah yes" Bane exclaimed "I was wondering what would break first"

The Batman let out a harsh scream swinging toward Bane.
Bane collided his fist into the mans protected armor.

"Your spirit" Bane began.

Lodnyn watched in horror as Bane showed no visible sign of effort in lifting up The Batman above his head.

"Or your body"

Bane threw the Batman against his knee.
A cracking sound echoed the clearing.
Silence filled the tunnels as everyone stared at the fallen icon.
Bane bent to lift the mask off of Bruce Wayne.
Bane stared at the mask and dropped it against the pavement as he walked.
Quickly Bruce Wayne was escorted away by two of Banes men.
Barsad grasp released and Londyn found herself running toward Bane.
Londyn ran right into Banes arms. She clutched his forearms.

"Please please" she shook her head from side to side. "Don't do this" the tears were visible in her green eyes.

Bane brows furrowed "It is already done"

Bane took hold of her arm and led her back into the tunnels.
Bane pushed open the doors.
Londyn rubbed her chest roughly wincing as she was becoming hysterical.
She watched as he started to pack a black bag.
Londyn shoved herself against the wall and took deep breaths.

"Your leaving" She stated. "Your going back"

"I must show Mr Wayne his new home" Bane informed her with his back turned to her.

"He's just a man" Londyn exclaimed.

"Hardly" He turned to raise on single brow.

"Why?" She pushed herself off wall "What is in it for you?" She questioned.

"Talia" she stated nodding "She has you walking into this mess of a fire"

Bane stood gripping the bag in his hands.
"The fire shall rise"

Londyn clenched her jaw as Bane approached her closely.

"Why did you drug me?"

"You were not suppose to witness the act"

"I already know you're a monster"

Anger flowed through her. Bane withheld secrets while she eased her whole life into his hands. She trusted him.
Bane eyes crinkled at his sides he leaned down inches away from the girls lips.

"I will return shortly" he said brushing his hand over her cheek.

Londyn trembled against his touch but not from anger. It was the electric shock she felt as he touched her skin.

"Please" She whispered.

Bane met her eyes and stared memorized at her green orbs. Bane realized it will actually cause him pain to leave this girl. Instead his mechanic voice hummed"I will return"

Londyn watched Bane exit the dorm.
Londyn exhaled deeply and her legs shook causing her to collapsed onto her hands.
A sob escaped her throat at the thought of Banes actions.
Londyn lifted her gaze and saw the glistening white rock on the table.
She crawled over scrambling to place the rock into her hands.
She stared at the beautiful object.
The anger and betrayal washed over her.
Londyn hysterically screamed throwing the rock into the corner.
The rock hit the wall and fell against the layers of shirts of Banes. Londyn took a hold of a black shirt.
She laid her head inhaling deeply.
Londyn cried. Her tears escaping to flow on the black shirt.
It was the first night in five months that Bane was not at her side.
The realization to Londyn caused her to sob all night.
Finally she fell into a slumber.
There, she was met with the dreams of Bane.