

Bane stood frozen in place. The rain poured against him.
Bane emotions were taking over. He let himself feel whatever emotion flooded through him.
It was happiness.
To see the girl.
Bane felt a odd sense of joy to find the girl on the rooftop. It was the feeling of relief to finally meet her massive eyes.
But in this moment he was alone.
Bane eyes narrowed in thought. He wondered if the girl felt nothing for his arrival.
No, he saw the relief in her green eyes.
Bane absently clenched his fist.
Anger flooded through him to know he did not know the girl feelings.
Bane tended to find out.
As he was away Bane found himself actually thinking about the girl. It did not surprise him for the girl simply latched on to him and his life.
That, irked him.
He couldn't shake the girl away. It was to late. Bane couldn't end her. She weaseled her way into him.
A sighed escaped his contraption as his gaze lingered to the open latch.
His thoughts trailed to the place he called home. A hell on earth. It was bitter sweet to step into the pit of hell.
For it was no longer his home.
The tunnels were his home.
Londyn and Bane shared the same home.

Bane slowly approach the double doors. Cautiously he stepped in and averted his gaze to the girl instantly.
The girl laid on his bed propped up on her elbows as she twirled the rock in her small hands.
Londyn gaze lifted and her expression soften at the sight of Bane. She opened her mouth to speak but couldn't find any words to him.
That was the first Londyn thought.

"You are angry with me" Bane stated.

Londyn brows lifted and thought over his words.
She could never be angry at the man. Bane held so much power over her. Londyn wanted to seek the anger she felt a moment ago but couldn't summon up the dark emotion.
It wasn't anger she felt on the rooftop.
It was disappointment. Londyn expected so much more.

"Does it matter?" She asked.

Bane lips twitched into a smile. Always challenging. "Of course not"

It was the truth. The girl did not revolve around him. Her opinions of him did not bother him to a extent. Bane was aware of his capabilities. He only cared for the girls safety.
And possibly he cared for her more than himself. It was a thought that lingered through him.
Bane watched the girl lips raise into a smirk.

"We have things to discuss"

Londyn brows shot up surprised. "Okay" she nodded slowly.

Bane eased down to sit on the edge of the bed. Londyn gaze was controlled and calm.

"We are.." Bane eyes narrowed slightly choosing his words carefully."Moving our location"

Londyn mouth slightly opened shocked. "When?"

"Tomorrow" Bane informed her.

"But why" Londyn frowned.

"I have no desire to stay in the tunnels" Bane met her gaze "You are more than welcome to stay"

Londyn grimaced toward Bane her expression sour. "No thank you"

A chuckle escaped his contraption sending butterfly's in the pit of her stomach.

"Where will be staying?" She questioned.

"You are familiar with the complex" he mused.

Londyn squinted at him "What?"

Bane grinned behind his mask. He refused to answer the girl. Bane wanted to keep her alert, always.

"So" Londyn sighed "I met a ghost today" she said dryly.

"The ghost of Doctor Pavel"

Bane chest rumbled. The girl was very observant. "Did you?" He mused.

"He's suppose to be dead Bane" she stated sharply.

"What do you want with him?"

Londyn expressed boldness. It was a brave act to approach Bane the way she did. No being would dare to be so impulsive toward the man.
But Londyn was impulsive.
And she was the second being to get away with such boldness.

"That" Bane rose from where he sat "Does not concern you"

Londyn clenched her jaw "I'll figure it out"

"I know you will"

"It was stated that he's a physicist" her brow furrowed in thought.

Bane watched intently as she jumbled her thoughts together.
Londyn thought of the news. It was such a long time ago when the story was brought to light.
A Russian physicists died in a plane crash. The field of his work was unknown to Londyn. She remembered turning off the news in a hurry to get to work.

"Just tell me" she sighed annoyed.

"In time" Bane murmured.

Londyn rolled her eyes. "How was your trip?" She asked making conversation.

"Exceptionally well"

"Where .." She said slowly "Is Bruce Wayne?"

Bane met her gaze calmly. "In hell"

"Why?" She whispered.

"That will bring despair he will know of knee emotion. I will break him"

Bane held such calmness it shocked Londyn to her core.

"I honestly don't understand" she let out a nervous laugh. "Bruce Wayne.. I mean why kill him?"

"He betrayed us"

"The league of shadows" Londyn stated. "Are you in a colt of some sort?"

Bane held in his laughter "No"

"What is it?"

"I am the League of shadows" Bane held Londyn gaze intently "Gothem will seek redemption. I will bring forth justice"

Londyn shook her head calmly. A frown was visible on her lips. She did not agree with Bane.
Londyn still held faith of changing his mind.
But it seemed impossible.

"What are your plans for Gothem?"

"Gothem shall rise"

Londyn felt like she was speaking to a Riddler. She sighed giving up on the topic.

"I am going to bed" she told him sliding under the covers.

"Goodnight" Bane nodded turning his back to her.

"Bane?" Londyn whispered holding the rock to her chest.

"Yes Londyn?"

Londyn's heart soared off in her chest skipping a beat. She opened her mouth and whispered.

"Please don't leave me again"

Bane noticed the small plea in her voice. The girl was absurd to think he was leaving her side.

"I can assure you I do not plan on it" Bane offered her.

The pair had several months to spend there time together.
Bane was certain by then the girl would be molded into the perfect soldier. She was already blinded by Bane.

"I'm glad your back"

Londyn let herself openly admit it to him. But she did not realize Bane was also glad to be back.
He was glad to bicker with the girl as he once did. When he was away he relied on his memory of there conversations and her facial expression It brought him peace during the nights alone in the dark.
Bane would always be at her side from now on. He made the promise to the girl and did not intend to break it.
As long as the Bat stayed in his cave.


During the night Londyn rolled over and met a solid figure causing her eyelids to open.
She marveled at the sight before her.
Actually sleeping. It was a odd sight to her. Bane seemed so .. Human.
Londyn inched closer taking in his features. She peered down into the mask.
It covered his nose and mouth. The features were hidden.
Damn Londyn thought disappointed.
The curiousty of not knowing was killing her.
Londyn closed her eyes and allowed herself to see the man without the mask.
Sometimes it was blurred as if she saw him before.
That seemed impossible to her.
Londyn opened her eyes once more and leaned her head into the pillow.
She gaze at Bane watching his close eyes intently. Such a vulnerable sight for him.
She laid in bed next to a man who caused many deaths and misery. But it seemed so petty to Londyn.
She wondered what was wrong with her. Londyn wanted to escape but also escape with Bane at her side. A girl can dream she often thought.
Absently her hand trailed out to the mouth piece of Bane's contraption. His breath was felt on her fingertips.
Londyn hand was caught instantly. She jumped and met the abnormal eyes of Bane.

"Londyn what are you doing"