

"Ah you are indeed ill, Miss. Londyn"

Doctor Lorenzo said calmly as he placed his thermometer back into his travel bag. Salvatore gently caressed Londyn's forehead as she expressed a sad pout under the heap of covers.
Londyn contracted a ordinary cold. A flu from stepping out into the cold weather in attire that was not proper.
Her forehead seemed to be more than a little warmer than Salvatore liked.
Salvatore lowered his gaze and smiled down at the girl.

"I would suggest bed rest and you must drink fluids to keep you hydrated"

Londyn nodded and tried to form her lips into a smile. It was a half smile.
Londyn lifted her hand and gave the doctor a thumbs up. Doctor Lorenzo raised his brow amused.

Along the way Londyn lost her voice just a bit. It was a terrible thing.
But Bane found himself loving the fact that the girl could not speak.

"It's probably a twenty four hour flu" Doctor Lorenzo assured Londyn. Salvatore raised himself into a stance and simply patted her shoulder. "Get well"

Londyn nodded frowning just a bit. She wanted this day to end. It was such a horror to be ill when you were completely alone.
Salvatore ushered himself out of her dorm.
Londyn stared at the open door.
She swallowed the lump in her throat before speaking.


"Spencer?" Londyn called.

Londyn voice cracked slightly as she spoke. She sighed rolling over to her side. No one was coming to her rescue.
The Doctor had given her cold medicine with the side effect of feeling drowsy.
Londyn didn't mind.
She needed the sleep desperately.
The sleep found her effortlessly.

Bane rounded the corner of the complex to greet Doctor Lorenzo.

"Ah good Doctor" Bane stated halting the Doctor in his tracks.

"Hello Bane"The Doctor nodded.

"How is the girl?" Bane asked impatiently.

"Rather ill" Doctor Lorezno said but quickly gathered his thoughts witnessing the sudden intensity in Bane colorful eyes. "A simply cold. But her fever is rather high. I would suggest to place cold towel-lets on her forehead"

Bane exhaled calming himself. He regretted leaving the girl half of the day to attend business.

But business is business.

"I will drop her fever" Bane nodded.

"Nothing to irrational" Doctor Lorenzo lips ceased into a tight smile. "She must gain energy"

Bane eyes narrowed "I am aware" then he slowly inched toward the man. "Do not speak to me as if I was a fool"

Doctor Lorenzo nodded and mumbled a apology. Bane leaned back and his lips formed a smile.

"My gratitude Doctor" Bane nodded "You may leave"

Doctor Lorenzo shuffled away quickly leaving Bane to enter the double doors of the complex.
Bane swiftly greeted Spencer along with Barsad.

"Uh sir" Spencer called.

Bane halted in his steps toward the dorm. He turned slowly. Spencer shifted uncomfortable.

Barsad sighed impatiently.

"The girl seems rather .. Delusional " Barsad quietly informed Bane.

Bane rose his brows. "Londyn fever has increased highly as well, Sir" Spencer said.

"She has been calling your name in her slumber" Barsad frowned.

Bane chest rumbled at the thought of the girl longing from him as she slept.

"I shall check in on her" Bane nodded briefly then turned swiftly away.

Bane stepped into the room slowly. He inched toward the massive size bed. Bane peered down and instantly smiled at the sight.

The girl was tangle in the covers. The blackness of her hair clung to her face. A ever so little pout was visible on her lips. The girl only wore a black sports bra and simple gray shorts. Londyn was trembling against the covers.
Bane gently caressed the girls cheek with his fingertips.
Londyn stirred in her slumber. A smile played on her lips.


Bane froze slightly hearing the happiness in the girls voice.
He watched as the girl turned to face him. But frowned to see Londyn still slept as her eyelids were still closed.

Bane leaned back into the wall and simply just stared at the girl.
He watched as the girl tossed and turned in her slumber. It seem she was having a dream.. Perhaps a lovely one.
In that moment Bane would have given up everything, paid any amount to know what the girl dreamt.

Bane could not fathom the idea or would never know that Londyn was dreaming about:

As Bane watched intently over the girl during her slumber. Londyn had conflicted a high fever causing Bane to act on the spot to decrease the fever immediately.

Londyn stirred awakening stiffly.
A gasp escaped her lips as she was being shuffle away.
In Banes massive arms.
Bane gaze was kept forward as he kicked open the bathroom door.
Londyn eyes glued on the porcelain tub that held large amounts of ice cubes.

"Ah what are you doing?" Londyn scrambled grasping Banes chest tightly. "No"

Bane ignored her pleas. Londyn braced herself as she was thrown into the tub of ice.
And it was freezing. Londyn shuddered against the cold impact.

"Oh my god" She shivered glaring up at Bane.

"It will reduce your fever" Bane stated amused.

"A single ice cube would of been more rational" Londyn muttered.

Bane lowered himself on his knees and leaned in to meet Londyn gaze.

"I see that you are coherent" Bane commented with a raise of his brow.

"Huh?" Londyn asked shivering.

"You spoke madness in your slumber"

Londyn cocked one brow at Bane's use of the word madness. "Do tell" She said smirking.

Bane calmly met her gaze.
Londyn cocked her head curiously. Bane hand shot out to grasp the girls cold hand.
Londyn lowered her head and smiled at the gesture.
Her hand felt warm on his.

Londyn waited patiently for Bane to speak. And once his contraption uttered the words.
Londyn heart completely dropped as her heart began to thump in her chest unsteadily.

"You claimed to have love for me in your slumber"
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